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RE: 🔊BitShares Hangout #72 | 2018-5-19 | Sat @100PM UTC | OpenSource Agenda [Beyondbit Raffle Powered by SP!]

in #bitshares7 years ago

EasyDex will join once again, this time to discuss our Portfolio Builder token campaign that has been a raging success so far!
Topic: EasyDex Portfolio Builder token campaign

How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage? EasyDex has begun their Portfolio Builder token campaign. The tokens are designed to help people grow their portfolio by holding one token by sharedropping 50% of the market fees for each crypto gateway run by EasyDex. The campaign is similar to the EOS distribution but run on Bitshares where people deposit BTS to the easydex-pool account and each day the tokens allotted for that day are distributed to the people who contributed to the pool.
What is your bitshares account name?: easy-dex Appropriate Links:,, Steemit and/or Discord account name of Representative/Speaker: steemit @EasyDex, discord TheWalrus and patelincho


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