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RE: Bitshares - State of the Network - 29th August 2017

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

that trustless bitcoin gateway discussion on gateway is very promising, looking forward to that BSIP someone is writing. important step to future sidechains.

What do you think about trustless gateway to steem chain as well to test bts compatibility and methods for future with EOS and make trading steem on the dex more secure.

What do you think about my proposal here that would work for any coins?,24890.0.html

Also, what do you think of user generated trusted gateways to add to the dex searchable by coin and sorted by reputation with transparency requirements and tools to build them easier - make it easier for coin developers or businesses to offer gateways for the coins of their choice.

What do you think about on chain communication platform or forum for announcements and conversations that doesn't require links to hard to find third party platforms for witnesses, proposals, and so on, possibly replacing old trollbox as one of the additions.

What do you think about developing graphene atomic swaps standards (or even "subatomic" lightning network state channels) compatible with btc-like chains that work to make it easier to trade smartcoins & BTS in trustless manner with other blockchains for on ramp. This could then be used as instructions for supernet/blocknet to connect with bts chain assets on their shapeshift-like bridge services they specialize in as on ramp to high frequency on-chain margin trading on the bts dex not possible anywhere else.