Bitshares (BTS) is in the midst of consolidation within the boundaries of a symmetrical triangle. The below chart shows how now the waves a,b,c,d are complete and that leaves wave 3 to finish. HOWEVER, you need to understand that not EVERY triangle always has a,b,c,d,e waves. It's most common to do so (about 60% of the time) but there are about 40% of instances where the triangle busts out just after a,b,c,d! So, let's see what happens. Me? I;m targeting to adder in a bit more IF wave e decline happens.
Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?
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BTS Wallet - haejin1970
BTC Wallet - 1HMFpq4tC7a2acpjD45hCT4WqPNHXcqpof
ETH Wallet - 0x1Ab87962dD59BBfFe33819772C950F0B38554030
LTC Wallet - LecCNCzkt4vjVq2i3bgYiebmr9GbYo6FQf

Legal Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**


Long and Strong BTS! When it hits $2.00, I start slowly cashing out!
HODL! Why cash out when it can potentially reach over $300? In fact, I think it will reach this price far earlier than Haejin predicts, since this market is growing at an exponential rate. I believe EW can give a reasonable time frame for predictions, but doesn't take into account enormous market growth since this is such a new industry.
Haejin does not predict time, only price...
True. It will hit mote than 300. EOS Steam Bitshare cant go wrong.
Thanks for the tip!
I agree seems to be some consolidation happening before we breakout.
I sold some of my LTC for BitchShares ;)
Let’s hope for the e wave so we can load up on more BTS. This has been immensely profitable but I do wish I had the courage of my convictions and put more in initially!
LOL! Imagine that! Someone wishing to have price go lower. That's a laddered thinking!
Could you please do an update on Litecoin the Chalice of Wealth?
Yeah! Sold part of my LTC until the price became ridiculous...
I agree with you, I think the price will skyrocket soon!
I need some help with my Open Ledger account (BTS).
Does anyone know what to do if the Open Ledger exchange will not execute a buy, or allow withdraws because of "insufficient funds" to pay the fee even though you have an ample supply of BTC in your account?
Yes, I know what's happening. You don't have any BTS (Bitshares) to pay the small fees. I can help by sending you a Bitshare that you can use to pay those fees.
Of you can use @blocktrades to convert another of your crypto assets into Bitshares and have it transferred into your Bitshares account.
Hope that helps!
Thanks so much for responding. Will give it a try
No problem. Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll do what I can to help.
I just bought BTS yesterday using openledger. In my first attempt, I pressed sell ETH and then buy BTS. This gave me the same message you had. Then, I went back to the list of coins, pressed buy BTS and then, sell ETH. It worked then.
Thanks farmgal, will look into that too.
Noooo! You should have kept your Eth to buy EOS! ;)
Looks like wave e made it, we should hopefully see a burst anytime now...
I think we're going to see yet another dip tbh.
Glad I got more on that last dip
Let's go BTS ! 300 views in 2 minutes , how are you guys getting the notification ?
I just obsessively refresh Haejins blog. It’s becoming a bit of a problem.
Learn to fish on your own. Review my tutorials.
You’re the man Haejin thanks for empowering people and igniting the blockchain even more
Btw the sleeping Etn doubled in price after your post !
Speaking of tutorials Master Lee. If you were ever considering another on identifying and measuring corrective patterns, more in depth than already covered, I would be most pleased! I am only a couple chapters into Elliot Wave Principals, so haven't gotten to that point yet.
well said @haejin , I have been thinking about watching your tutorials from last 2 weeks . Tomorrow i will do so . Thanks for your efforts !!
I am my man. Your tutorials are ace. I’m going to order the Elliot waves book too. Keep up the mega work.
Hey man, I hold you accountable! Nah of course not, thanks for the insights! ;)
Hahaha funniest comment of the day!
follow twitter: Haejin (@Haejin_Crypto) | Twitter. You'll get notification on twitter that link directly to this page (stemmit).
if you follow @haejin on twitter, you will get a notification
Thanks! Or Stocktwits!
A lot of people don't use twitter because it's CEO Jack Dorsey is an outright Censorship loving Fascist.
Correction: he is a communist.
Personally i dont know about Jack at all...however i do know there are people on Twitter giving great knowledge like @haejin and also just people discussing all kinds of topics that are beneficial to so many. Just my 2c worth :)
I just reloaded the page :)
Do you do this 24/7 Lol .
I do
ehm nope, was just luck ...
I follow him on Twitter and set up a SMS update every time he posts. Works great!
By just refreshing Haejin's steemit page 24/7
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Crypto Kraze SMS ServiceAnd... Guess What Steemians? We have another Crypto Currency Brainiac Anslyst, @CryptoKraze and I am offering the same SMS Service for his post as well.
Don't need to pay for service. You can easily do it yourself for free. Go follow twitter: Haejin (@Haejin_Crypto) | Twitter. You'll get notification on twitter that link directly to this page (stemmit). To turn on mobile notification, you go to the 3 vertical dots on upper right and choose that option.
@haejin, Elliot Wave corrections can also be just an ABC correction after a big wave 1, 3, or 5 up. Usually, wave 2 and 4 are down and consist of an ABC correction. I think we need one more wave down for the C correction to be complete (maybe to 0.73), and then a new advance wave up can start. This should be another set of 5 waves, as part of the bigger Wave 3 of 3, which make is this next move up the biggest advance in terms of price and time.
Very profitable blog!)
@haejin : Did you already adder in some more BTS as you stated in this post? I bought in +6000 when you published this article, so I owe you big time if it would bust out soon. Wave e decline happened today as predicted. 🙌
BTS to the Moon
I think it may be breaking out right now.
Indeed! Skipped wave e:)
It sure looked like it, but I'm pretty sure it is doing the e wave now lol.
Laddering in with some finesse and ease...like an artist painting a portrait...
OMG give me those wave e profits just like I got with VERGE!! .... oh, wait.
Here's BTS as of right now. Could this breach of the lower line of the symmetrical triangle be a bull wick? Are we ready to blast over $1??
But why BTS hasnt really climb that much since ICO
Bitshares didn't have an ICO... and it has increased incredibly in value. Close to 200x in the last year.
Thanks for the update @haejin!
I'm so glad I got into Bitshares fairly early! I appreciate these posts and am glad that you joined Steemit @haejin. It's great to have you here!
Thanks Haejin
Could you please do an update on Monaco (MCO) please?
Trying to get as many BitShares as I can before it hits/passes the $1 dollar mark. I remember the good old days when $100 dollars will get you around 600 BitShares. Good times.
nice, Do one on XRP :D
Thanks for the update!
Excellent post about bitcoin trading market and Cryptocurrency. Follow and upvoted you.
Ugh, I have over 100 Bitshares stuck on the dex exchange. Apparently I don't know my password, even though I wrote it down smh...
You've got me worried now as I have a lot more than 100 BTS on my desktop client, secured with a password. I've backed up etc so all should be good. Hopefully its just you (and you find your password) and not a bug!
That could be an expensive mistake if it goes to $300 per bts....
Use 1Password to manage your passwords...?
I'd be thankful it's only 100.
E. Can make the difference .. Crypto currency .. Bitcoin.. Nice BLog
Upvoted and Resteemed!!I dnot mind if there’s still a wave e dip (will add more). Thank you for the update @haejin..
I love dips, I want to buy more!
Thank you Haejin for all that you teach me daily. I'm a way better investor and trader now thanks to you. I'm very grateful.
happy for u mate, im trying to learn myself
Thanks for the stats. Keep up the good work
If btc goes up like you said. E will be happening for sure.
I have been trying to add more in this sub .80 range but I'm so tapped out with things tied up in other well performing coins...time to flip a coin...
Haejin friend, please advise me. I am sure you saw last days PacCoin ride. I am in depression because it was so cheap and i didnt buy anything. Another missed rocket. I made little research and i found BunnyCoin, i think it can be another rocket. Whats your oppinion? I know it is little bit stupid question :-D but for me you are proffesional with experiences i would like to see sober oppinion. Thanks really aprreciate your blogs. Bless you
Any input on BURST coin? They are mooning right now.
@haejin- I have a technical trader I subscribe to for options trading. He often talks about energy built up during consolidation phase to help it make the next move. In the BTS post discussing the possibility of not getting the e leg of the wave, can it be said that hitting the e wave would provide the next wave more energy to make a bigger move or can we even use concept energy (as in physics of waves) in this regard. Is there less energy in only getting a, b, c and d? I'd love to have your feedback given your scientific background and trading experience.
Sentiment drives price not energy. Though, it's still a quantum event. Yes, sentiment builds through an abcde triangle.
Perhaps energy drives sentiment.
Hello, first of all I' m big Fan of u.
I joined steemit cause i want to ask u sth.
I'm korean and I CAN'T speak or read English.
So it's too hard to read your message.
I wonder if you can write in korean version.
(if you need help when you write the korean version,i would like to help you anytime)
Quite a positive approach for those who entered in the mid of your C move, around 70c a piece.
What I see is a long correction. Mostly because we have enormous Bear powers around 1$ since Bitshares is direct rival to Tether. You also have to take into consideration that Bitshare is not listed on Bittrex, which usually offers most of the volume for cryptos that are offering alternative, similar to BTS.
Back to your chart and a,b,c,d ideas, taking all this into consideration I can 82% (Aces strong) say that your D move is not where you pointed it but is happening right now and will effect in prize stabilizing around 70c.
The moves that you created from to your C move are just responses to that big volume which happened around 65c.
I assume that since you say you're buying in more that you predict a rise after this decline?
Hello @haejin,
i am glad to have found you. I think RISE/BTC pair looks nice. I am really interested about your opinion, cause i think it has enormous potential, but i am not sure about the entry level. You could review this maybe in close future, since it is red hot and might gain to many of us a big portion of the cake. Thank you and nice evening, or whatever is ahead of you, have a nice time.
So it is 100% going up then?
Just kidding guys ...
@haejin what do you think of bcpt? blockmason credit protocol?
its seems like Bitshares is always correcting, am i the only one noticing this???
It is hurry up and wait, as described by Haejin.
Well, it has grown +400% in a month:)
More good news:
#BitShares $BTS fee reduction approved! See details at http://cryptofresh.com/p/1.10.7264 . Will be implemented on Jan 9th! Lifetime membership has gone from 1457 BTS to 110.8 BTS ... trades and transfers are even cheaper now! #Blockchain #cryptocurrency
Thanks for commenting on this! If Lifetime membership is that price, I will definitely get one.
yeah its expensive now, but over all in long term it is cheap. Can definely see the goverments coming down hard on Crypto, especially if it has another killer year making the little people rich.
Then i can see them shutting down exchanges or putting alot of restrictions on. Thats when the price of shares will moon.
where do you get membership, on site? Very good price indeed.
Wow, jsut checked charts, it seem such a long time, time is definely alot longer in cryptos. feels like months....lol
You can sign up for lifetime membership on the Bitshares open ledger wallet
Hey @haejin ! Thx for Your analysis. Seems like wave E just started, but it's gonna be second ascending right triangle, right?
But more importantly - should we expect forming of a handle in this already 6 months old cup? Looks like it could happen soon.
Let's go BTS !
Great call on Bitshares Haeijin! Really appreciate your mentioning it to me in our private coaching session at .174. I have really researched it a lot and after understanding it better I do not think your target of $342 is unrealistic! Wish I bought more then, but have added significantly. Looking forward to our next coaching session on Saturday. Here is the difference since our last session https://steemit.com/vincentb/@cryptolegendhodl/my-last-30-days-to-the-moon-in-cryptocurrency