BitShares Report Sept 18th, 2023
- Where Sound Money meets Sound Enterprise! For example did you know you can buy, trade, and sell Goldbacks on the BitShares Exchange. Tomorrow 9/19/23 Goldback is introducing the South Dakota collection!
Crypto Ninja
- e-Commerce site in the works with built in sound money payment rails, stay tuned for more on this
- Vet the Vote Project via Blockchain
- In order for We The People to vet the vote, we simply execute the following process.
At least 12 of the 20 randomly selected citizens must agree that:
(A) a person’s identity is valid and that they are a U.S. citizen.
(B) a person’s address is current and valid.Each verified U.S. citizen is then sent one, and only one, numbered voting “token” by a blockchain application. The tokens are sent in a way that is completely anonymous, and untraceable, thus ensuring voter anonymity.
On voting day a participating U.S. voter uses the blockchain application on a mobile device to do the following:
(A) cast their vote using their voting “token”.
(B) take a photo of their completed official U.S. ballot after voting and upload it anonymously using the app.At least 12 of the 20 randomly selected citizens then verify the voter’s uploaded ballot and must agree that:
(A) the vote on the official U.S. ballot matches the one uploaded via the app.Simply compare the vote count from our blockchain app to the official results of the electoral college.
Interested Learn More Here
- Translations have been updated to the website this week!
- SmartHolder Staking Program paid out the following on Sept 1st and 15th
STH 3128.23009000
BTC 0.00617069
HIVE 406.96787400
EXR 253581.60750000
USDT 354.31606600
MDL 50930.75702300
SCH 287764.15800000
TUSC 147777.64710000
LUNAREUM 1222664.72000000
NCH 1076616.46900000
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