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We have over 1400 different Cryptocoin in existence...minimum of 2 to 3 launched daily.
We have some of them that are promising for the future use. I will focus on Bitshares, is my new year resolution because it's more than a cryptocurrency and it will change the way we do and transact business.
What is BitShares? BitShares is a DAC.
What does this DAC do? It offers a service. The service is matching willing buyers and sellers of financial instruments and assets.
Think of BitShares as a decentralized company and BitAssets as its products.
Notice this:
"BitShares is the first decentralized exchange to be released into the ether, and I don't think the world will ever be the same again".
When I read this, it change my mentality completely and I begin to see future in bitshares....
If you miss investing in Bitcoin when it was less than a dollar, don't worry just take advantage of bitshares now, because is more than a bubble.
To me, is bitshares.... U can state yours