
same here, too. I have the same question as @cannonball6

10 steem tip for the one who can answer ;)

If your active key and your memo keys are the same and you have shared your private memo key, then your account is still vulnerable.

Say for instance, I created a website and asked you to enter your private memo key, I could then transfer your funds. That’s because your memo private key is the same as your private active key. Active keys give you the right to buy/sell/deposit/withdraw funds.

The owner keys provides this same access in addition to changing your password.

My owner, active, and memo keys were the same, so I changed my owner and active keys. Afterwards I can continue to read my memos on previous transactions.

As an alternative changing your keys, you could just create a new account and then transfer your assets from the old account to the new account.

Thanks for your follow up, it is appreciated. I am fairly confident I am okay since I have n ver knowingly given anyone access to any of my private keys, but I wonder if there is a way one could do so unknowingly.

You have highlighted the memo function as a potential vulnerability. The only times I have never included any memo is when making a deposit to Openledger and entering my account name in the memo field. I don’t expect this would create a vulnerability but I would love to be corrected if I’m wrong! Thanks again!

The memo key is a vulnerability if it matches one of your other two keys. If all 3 keys are different, then your account is secure.

Mike, my owner and active keys are the same but memo is this secure in your opinion? Thanks for any feedback