#bitshares #smartcoins can be backed by the value of any stock, share, index, fiat or crypto currency including bitUSD.
As an example of the versatility of bitshares, I created ALTCAP and ALTCAP.X smartcoins. They are backed by the value of Bitcoin using bitBTC as collateral:
You can't create bitsteem from bitusd. Only bts as far as the Gui shows.
You sure?
#bitshares #smartcoins can be backed by the value of any stock, share, index, fiat or crypto currency including bitUSD.
As an example of the versatility of bitshares, I created ALTCAP and ALTCAP.X smartcoins. They are backed by the value of Bitcoin using bitBTC as collateral:
Info @ http://cryptofresh.com/a/ALTCAP
Info @ https://bitshares.openledger.info/?r=by24seven#/asset/ALTCAP
Info @ http://cryptofresh.com/a/ALTCAP.X
Info @ https://bitshares.openledger.info/?r=by24seven#/asset/ALTCAP.X
You can trade ALTCAP and ALTCAP.X on BitShares Decentralised Exchange exclusively at: