I am excited to have received STRANGE in my openledger.io account! Thank you! How cool is that! I was so excited, I bought some more. Problem is... I have NO CLUE WHAT IT IS.
I've been browsing through your blog for some ideas and I'm still clueless. I appreciate the gift, but tell me, why do I want to hold on to STRANGE? @ironshield
Honestly, maybe you do, maybe you don't. I can't make that call for you. However, I am thinking up more ideas every day and will provide a report of the distribution process once I have completed it.
If you want to be a part of this STRANGE project, that's great!
Buy, Hold or Sell your gift and well, like I said, this is a "shoot first, ask later" sorta deal, so you know....
One reason to HODL for now is that the value will increase when the supply decreases when the burn happens on Dec. 31st, 2017.