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RE: BitShares – This Could Be It!

in #bitshares7 years ago

Please listen to me, here is the technical analysis that confirm my fundamental analysis on #bitshare!do not buy stupid crypto pumped by marketing and only based on whitepaper!Choose seriously your investments! Do not risk on hype! If you consider Bitshares a "decentralized" blockchain I have some news for you, its not. The whole system and anything issued on top of it runs on a grand total of 13 servers. Look for yourself:


Those servers are voted on by all BitShare holders, and anyone can bid to run one. Everything there, from servers to work proposals are controlled by the community as a whole. It is decentralized at the base, and centralized as needed for efficient opperations. Just like any successful organization, delegation is an absolute must. The difference between centralized and decentralized in this context is the difference between top down command and bottom up control.

Thanks for saying so @cryptographic. I appreciate you

That’s still more decentralized than every other exchange out there.