You think because a bank doesn't show you their transaction that your word that its a scam becomes gospel truth? You are a troll and a shill. And my reputation will all people to see this.
They won't believe you when they see my responses.
You think because a bank doesn't show you their transaction that your word that its a scam becomes gospel truth? You are a troll and a shill. And my reputation will all people to see this.
They won't believe you when they see my responses.
Wow now I'm a troll? Thanks! BTW where is the list? I thought everything is transparent in cryptocurrency?
Really, didn't you know bitcoin is pseudonymous?
Are you so much against free markets that you would call for regulations?
Because people are being fooled by these manipulators and yet the likes of you are not talking about it. I'm not against free market. I just want the crypto market to be safe for everyone to invest specially for the new ones. I wish I could further discuss with you but I'm a normal citizen with a basic job. I have to go to work. Thank you and I hope your reputation saves you when everything falls apart.
I'm sorry and thank you!
Fooled? Anyone that has any understanding of free banking theory, who has read Hayek, Selgin, Szabo, Smith, Nash, Saifdean Ammous etc, will see that you don't support free banking.