There is a very clear trend that has manifested over the last few months, which I believe to be deleterious to the future of the project - I talk, of course, of the exodus of posters from the bitshares forum to steemit.
Once or twice, in private and in public, I have expressed my opinion about this phenomenon, namely that I do not believe this is the way to go forward.
I am (quite categorically) not saying that we should ditch steemit, not at all -- the advantages are obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes, ears, and something between the ears.
It seems to me that we need both to keep bringing awareness of bitshares to a wider audience.
bitsharestalk - a place with history
Look closely at the image above, and you will recognize some of the legends that inhabit as well - bytemaster (@dan), @xeroc, fuzzy (@officialfuzzy), @riverhead .. to name but a few.
Look closely, and the "Top 10 Boards" will betray how important the #cn community has always been to the project. Incidentally, this area is something I believe we are still lacking on, there appear to be massive language gaps preventing further cooperation and development between the western and eastern communities -- though quite possibly this observation just reflects my personal experience ..
History shows us those who posted the most, who were online the most.
How we have all been trying to bring this damn beast called #bitshares to the world.
Search through the forum and you will see all the excitement, all the struggles, all the disappointments (and there were plenty) .. but each time, you see someone taking the lead once again, scrambling to find solutions, advance the project.
Because those of us who remain, still believe in the project.
Still believe that if our vision is to materialize, the world will be a better place for it.
Search through the forum and you will see all the projects that came and went (most stayed), some of the brightest minds in the crypto space putting their heart, minds and sweat into making possibility become reality.
While the numbers do not tell the whole story, 2016 has certainly been slower over at the forum than the last couple of years before it.
Those of us involved in the ecosystem know that people are working, behind the scenes and on the front line, to keep bringing new bitshares-based and graphene-based projects to the light of day.
But it seems clear that there is, in general, less posts happening, the action appears to be mostly over here at steemit now.
I think this is a mistake.
Different formats
Have you ever spent a couple of hours reading a thread, seeing the opinions evolve, the arguments mount, the counterarguments swaying your opinion back and forth?
Possibly hundreds of posts, spanning weeks, even months, 30+ pages of content.
Is it not wonderful? All the stuff you learn from that?
A forum provides a much better format for that style.
Here in steemit, like other sites like it, the emphasis is more on the original post, and it is hard, if not impossible, to follow the thread.
Posts with the most upvotes get promoted to the top, destroying any possibility of sanely following a timeline.
Replies are limited to about 4 depths, ending many a discussion prematurely.
Indeed, in my view, it gives rise to a completely different style of communication, shallower in a way. This is not to bash it, understand.
It has its place.
The monetary incentive
I think that to some extent we all now realize that if we post here instead, there is a chance that it will make us some money, while if we post at the forum, then it's just another post that will net us $0.
I do not think that is the correct way to look at it, however.
To begin with, nothing stops you from linking your steemit post on the forum (provided it is relevant).
But it does not stop there - if you regularly post quality stuff in the forum, and use the same username in steemit, people will naturally start looking for your content over here as well.
And at any rate, money is not everything in life.
Let's not forget that steemit is precisely designed to achieve this sort of effect, inviting people to post with the lure of riches. But let's not throw everything else out just because we can make a profit posting here.
the forum.In my view there is an over-reliance on steemit right now in the #bitshares community, to the detriment of
I would like to see the forum back to its old glory, with more active users and more posts every day.
We need to keep attracting new users, and I also believe that providing support on the forum is a better format than here on steemit - countless help & support threads are testament to that.
We have (at least) two great tools (forum and steemit), let's make better use of them.
Thanks for reading!
(the moon was not enough.. to eta carinae !!!)
I am sure somebody is already working on a forum style Steem design so that once can post an ANN in the forum and earn a few bucks with a good post. Maybe you could structure it in a way that each forum comment is it's on the post and has its own 12h cycle. The more your post gets quoted, liked and shared the higher your payment. There are many possible forms how we could integrate Steem in Forums. And the BitShares Forum is by far a treasure trove.
Love the memes, going to implement in my upcoming posts @karnal
lol, feel free :-)
Have you considered funding an attempt to MAKE the website where it should be? Chris4210 had ideas but that seemed to have stagnated for whatever reason.
Agree on all points, but believe the future is migrating forums like Bitsharestalk to Steemit. People go where the money is, and it would be absolutely gangbusters for Bitshares development if we could move everyone over to Steemit. Many Steemit whales are core Bitshares devs and Steemit could provide all needed funding to get Bitshares to where it needs to be.
We can have the best of both worlds, posting (and cross-posting) announcements and milestones in steemit as well as the forum, but have the 30-page-long threads over at the forum instead.
Little help topics for instance, I think the forum is also a much better match for that .. or at the very least use #bitshares-help or something to keep track ..
But see, once again .. then what else do we have? #bitshares-newbies ? #bitshares-lostfunds ?
A gazillion others?
So much easier to sort these over at the forum, in my opinion at least!
I completely agree, Steemit is kind of an ADD platform with a content lifespan of 12 hrs or less. I'm not a tech guy at all, but is it not possible to build a forum on top of Steemit? As far as I understand is just an interface and it can be made to look like anything, dev's chose to do a reddit/social media thing cause it would allow the greatest variety of content out of the gate. But I don't see any reason a forum couldn't be built on steemit. Hopefully it's on the roadmap...
Boom. +1 to all of this
You are right, it gives different perspective and holds back most users from sharing and engaging long conversation just because you can earn money from posts/comments. But I think these issues challenge us to make tools better, improve, give options to comment or quote comments multiple times. Give user options to change theme/style of entire website so that they can use it as forum style, twitter style, even facebook style, etc. after all, improving UX is important and should be taken seriously.
I like forums as well...
Well done, as a subforum moderator, I will be very happy to see people come back.
The best thing you can do is make sure the whole board gets archived! People will appreciate it in time =]
Personally, I'm over forums. Too fiddly, slow, antiquated. I get my best info from fast flowing apps with quick search functions. Telegram kills it but can't bitshares use Slack to it's advantage?
Don't give up on Steemit, it fits bitshares so well with the background technology and you know a whale or two will pump it every once in a while.
I take it that you are over books too :-)
Sometimes slow is better. That was the central tenet of this post.
There is room for steemit and there is room for bitsharestalk, my argument is that we have been over-relying on the former to the detriment of the latter.
I have a room dedicated to the family book collection and don't own a TV so that's a polite no :)
Merely pointing out that any forum posts I've made on (asking for assistance) have been dormant with little interaction. Sometimes you've got to stop flogging a dead horse and realise people sometimes crave a more fluid form of communication with the majority of people swiping on the move.
We've all got to remember that bitshares isn't sexy. It's not going to ever have mass appeal and although it has some great features, it's for niche crypto users. Maybe a different is required to bring fresh blood in to the community?
So you do like slow :-)
Me too!
I have seen quite a few help threads being answered recently. Could you link to the ones where you were left in the dark?
I think this is mostly the younger (<30) people, not most people by any stretch of the imagination.
And I do not think it is a good thing either - this whole "let's all be connected 24/7, our attention constantly under siege from the latest notification", but that is a whole different topic :-)
Me, I like sitting down at the laptop, opening the forum, taking my time, I prefer long posts to "constant swiping" with the matching writing style that many times clearly tells that person was in a hurry (the next notification, or maybe not being run down by a car..) .. and I know it is the same with many others as well.
I WHOLEHEARTEDLY disagree! A good chunk of my vision for bitshares in the future has always been for it to become the peoples' online bank.
I want it to have mass appeal, and I think it is possible!
I loved your last comment Karnal, you're a man on a mission and that should be commended. I hope one day that traders migrate to bitshares and people are stacked up with BITGOLD and the other digital assets.
hi this good this what compartire pots in major jewelry :/