TRX/Tron - Reading fud or manipulation by whales and other crypto companies?
I had previously invested a bit of cash into bitshares when I first started out and upon checking what bts has already risen to I wish I would have never sold. The same thing happened to me with tron recently. I invested in a decent amount only to trade out and watch the price soar and fall.
Well last night I came across a post that talked about how tron was a scam and at best will not be delivering a physical product for a while.
I had Watched as these rumors and comments flaired back and forth, causing me to sell and buy emotionally until I had dwindled my shares down to just one third of what I had originally purchased. Keep in mind I still walked away with an extra $100 from where I started, so I'm not mad, however I do see how the news can really mess with your sense of investing.
When it came to bitshares it was a clunky UI for the native exchange, no mobile trading or asset exchange app. I feel like I need these things to trade on the go and keep my head in it. If anyone currently knows of something that would mitigate this, like say a coinigy style app that aggregates the best exchanges and allows for api access to enact trading positions and check portfolio balances and growth for bitshares please let me know. I feel like something along the lines of that being in the market is how you would pull some of the trade volume out of the larger exchanges like Binance and Bittrex.

In the end take it from somebody who had an opportunity to get in really early on bitshares, that it's a project that I see is growing and I wish I wouldn't have moved out of. I'm looking forward to getting back into the weekly bitshares meetings and getting caught up.
If we had a mobile app for bitshares I have no doubt in my mind people would switch based on the low fees for trade.
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Verry good post