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RE: Questions from a BitShares Newbie

in #bitshares8 years ago (edited)

Bitshares is great, and it's way ahead of its time.

You ask a bunch of good questions. Having a decentralized exchange is huge right? But the volume, yes, well. Bitshares solves a problem that affects something like .0000001% of the world population, and that's maybe being generous.. I got lost in the decimals.

Essentially, it's hard to sell a solution to a problem that almost no one knows exists.

For crypto-geeks, Bitshares should be the Holy Grail, but the Bitcoin maximalist crowd has been too busy propping up their crypto-idol instead of championing new innovations in the space. Hey, they have their reasons and profit motives, who am I to judge.

Anyway, Bitshares isn't going anywhere, and there's still a ton of development going on around the platform as @dahaz159 mentioned.

From my point of view, Bitshares is SO FAR ahead of its time, that we won't see more widespread adoption until the crypto crowd has gone 1000-10,000x in size, along with the market cap of the relevant pioneers in the space.

Good news, that's what Steem is here to do!
When hordes upon hordes of people have their value stored on a blockchain, then they will need a decentralized exchange..

Steem: Creating problems we already have solutions for! ;)


Essentially, it's hard to sell a solution to a problem that almost no one knows exists.

Well said.

I think your predictions (1000-10,000x in size), though somewhat discouraging, make a lot of sense.

It's interesting to see a technology so ahead of its time that it's hard for people who do understand it to market it correctly for everyone else to get onboard.