Eobot has bitshares in their cloud mining service. I just started using them a week ago, so I'm relatively new to it. It seems straight forward, just remember that they hold the assets for 6 months if you decide to purchase by credit card. You avoid that by using bitcoin. Here is a referal link from me: https://www.eobot.com/new.aspx?referid=663733 if you like to sign up. I chose the 1000 gh for 220 USD . 5 years contract.
Exactly. I don't know what @funkit is talking about. W A Y back in the early days there was PTS which was a PoW coin used to seed the BitsharesX project. That may be what he's referring to, but afaik nobody is mining that of significance if at all.
Eobot has bitshares in their cloud mining service. I just started using them a week ago, so I'm relatively new to it. It seems straight forward, just remember that they hold the assets for 6 months if you decide to purchase by credit card. You avoid that by using bitcoin. Here is a referal link from me: https://www.eobot.com/new.aspx?referid=663733 if you like to sign up. I chose the 1000 gh for 220 USD . 5 years contract.
I thought BitShares couldn't be mined in the traditional sense?
Exactly. I don't know what @funkit is talking about. W A Y back in the early days there was PTS which was a PoW coin used to seed the BitsharesX project. That may be what he's referring to, but afaik nobody is mining that of significance if at all.