Still avoiding the issues at hand, I see. You, yourself, are a scammer in my eyes now, and I will purport you as one in the future. I'll be sure to keep an eye on your blog.
How in the hell can you, with a straight face, defend a team that collected damn near 10 million USD on the premise of a timeline of products, collected the money, THEN DELETED THE TIMELINE AFTER COLLECTION, then never delivered anything, and even AFTER A YEAR AFTER THEIR SUPPOSED RELEASE DATES STILL HAVE NOTHING TO SHOW?!
Do you have ANY shame? How do you sleep at night? Or is that part of being absolutely dumb as a brick or part of your sociopathic nature?
The only issue at hand, that I see, is you fudding me ... now you are calling me a scam. So, I would like to suggest one thing - this is really a bad idea.
I'm not "fudding," you. I'm calling you like I see you (again, I'm calling you a scam defender and an ignorer of reason/logic/sense). Fight me, sue me, beat me up. Continue with your threats. I call bullshit, Mr. "this is a really bad idea."
You are not 'fudding' me by directly calling me a scammer... dumb as a brick, and a sociopath. Wow.
Umm, yeah, like I've said previously, I am CALLING IT LIKE I SEE IT. You are defending scam shit, and are refusing to acknowledge facts. You're a sociopath if you have any brain cells in your head. If you had any, you'd look at the facts at hand and make a rational judgement, but you don't. You just ignore everything and beat on your drum of "PPY is good!," because you took a picture with the scam lord himself, Jonathan Bahai.
I'll say it again, as it stands:
Wanna threaten me some more? Or are you just gonna keep chugging along on the scam train?