I don't get what you say.. In my proposal, on daily basis the pool reserve fund sell an extremely small portion of bts for Open.xxx assets and rewards the bitasset holders with this interest. The bitasset holders can freely decide to either hold the open.xxx asset or sell it for bts,bitasset or whatever...
In any case, if you guys for some reason you believe open.xxx asset for interest is not a good option, just use the reserve pool and do that calculation rewarding bts to bitasset holders who then can again freely choose what to do.
with less than 20,000 bts daily from the reserve pool we can reward 10% interest in the form of bts to the current bitasset holders. The yield will be adjuseted accordingly depending on bitasset supply and bts price...But for the love of god..We can achieve so much with just 20,000 bts daily from the reserve pool and nobody is implementing a worker proposal for that..I just don't get it why..