Become a millionaire in 5 easy steps!

in #bitshares9 years ago

Step 1: Invest in BitShares.
Step 2: Seriously. Do it. Now. I mean right now.
Step 3: ...You're still here? Get yourself some BitShares!
Step 4: Wait a little bit...
Step 5: Enjoy the lambo.

That's all there is to it! Easy, right?!

But nomoreheroes7! That's just too darn risky! What if I lose my investment??

Alright, well that's a legitimate concern. It shows you're an astute investor who carefully considers risk/reward with every investment. But hear me out; I've got 5 reasons why BTS could possibly be that next big thing you've been looking for.

1. Synergies between STEEM and BTS are inevitable

Image credit: @stan over at bitsharestalk

Graphene, the technology behind Steem, was born out of -- you guessed it -- BitShares. Many excellent BitShares developers have become (now significantly wealthy) members of the STEEM community. And many of these devs are continuing to code at the speed of light to make BitShares great. Remember when people were hesitant to pay for BTS development through dilution? Well, with STEEM -- problem solved! The devs have a strong pay point now in STEEM, with no BitShares dilution necessary! It's like having your cake...and eating it too!

2. Something BIG is coming

Image credit: @stan

Stan, father of the genius lead dev behind both Steem and BTS Dan Larimer, has been busy dropping some not-so-subtle hints over at the bitsharestalk forum that something is coming "this summer". What this is, in particular, no one really knows for sure right now, but there have been rumblings of "dream coins", "benevolent whales", and BTS-focused spinoffs of Cryptonomex (the company founded by Dan and pronounced like "economics"), pictured above. If this "big thing" really does pan out over the next few months...

3. Remember, remember the 5th of November

Image credit: Warner Bros.

Remember the bitcoin halvening? Well BitShares is about to experience the same thing, only on a much greater scale: the 2-year vesting period resulting from the glorious merger of BitShares X, AngelShares, and ProtoShares into BTS as we know it today ends on November 5, 2016. On this date, selling pressure to the tune of 700,000 BTS daily (released vesting shares) will stop entering the market and BitShares will be subject to only minimal inflation (approved by shareholders) to pay for worker proposals. Referring back to point #1, with BTS devs having STEEM as a new pay point, it's possible for worker-related inflation to get to all-time lows, and BTS may even get to the point of becoming deflationary if the right revenue-model is found.

4. BitShares is a decentralized exchange you can use right now

Forget all those other alpha-level crypto projects with just an idea and no real current use. BitShares is ready now to take your trades and hold your savings in whatever basket of market-pegged assets your heart desires, with no centralized authority to worry about running off with your funds. Where other projects are mostly vaporware at this point, BitShares is there with its 3-second block times and scalable to 100,000 transactions per second, industrial-grade blockchain -- the same technology powering STEEM.

5. It's insanely undervalued

Alright, I understand that this one is kind of subjective. But just look at the numbers: BTS right now stands at 19th place on the coinmarketcap charts with a valuation right around $13 million. This is around 22 times smaller than the current market cap of STEEM (at $283 million). Are you kicking yourself for missing the STEEM engine, wishing you had discovered it before the July 4th payout? Well, pre-July 4th Steem is where BTS is sitting right now. NOW is the time to grab a piece of the pie, before others pile in en masse. It may be a risky move, but with that risk comes the potential for some amazing rewards.

Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. But if it were, it'd be damn good.



Euphoria is the reason why people get infuriated when they make losses and panic sell the network to the toilet. There is no sure investment and everything should be nuanced and based on probability of success, to be able to make positive expected value investments.

Absolutely. While my article is a bit over-the-top based on my "gut feeling" and research, it is true that there is no sure investment and there is always a risk of loss. Everyone needs to remember that.

Nice post! I have personally used already my steems and steem dollars to increase my bts holdings. bitshares below $100 mil market cap is a no brainer I think. Sooner or later the x10-x20 is coming..Of course bts may drop further but who cares really? Just accumulate more :).

Really interesting, never heard of bitshares until now, ill start reading about it. this was my favorite part "Are you kicking yourself for missing the STEEM engine, wishing you had discovered it before the July 4th payout?" I am. Im always late for those kind of things. Thanks for the info.
The early bird cathes more worms! hehe

Yes, Bitshares is one of the rare quality crypto platforms that has not yet had its day in the sun. BTS can run from $15M to $150M, and many in the community expect it to run to $1.5B. Take everything that makes Steemit awesome, apply it to global finance and you have Bitshares.

I would expect 1 BTS = 1 USD, but I am waiting for 2 years.
The technology behind Bitshares is top and I would say unique.
I still hope that Bitshares are simply needed.

This would be my expectation once trading platform is adopted by the STEEM community.

Steem is power by the technology behind Bitshares.
Bitshares are directed more to the world of big finances.

Great post, hits all the highlights! Good to see the Bitshares community is reaching out to the Steemians, lots of opportunity both ways.

I couldnt agree more and we're seeing projects being built - peertracks, peerplays and blockpay. Im hoping it has a bright future.

Interesting article. My own own information leads me to similar conclusions.

Thanks for the article, very well explained!

@methodise nailed it. Lean and infinitely flexible. Happy that you've put the disclaimer at the bottom of your post :) "the worse vice is advice" when it comes to cryptocurrency trading or investing.

I'm with you, I think it has all the hallmarks of being something special and there are a number of key indicators that you mentioned that may see it forge itself in to a diamond in the rough. I certainly hope so as I've invested in it a whole ago for the long term.

It'd be nice to see an explanation of the difference between BTS and PTS as people are still finding it confusing when purchasing on Poloniex.

I hope a whale gets hold of this post and slams it to the top of the list for you.

Keep in touch

You didn't write how actually invest in BitShares. Otherwise great post and some interesting points.

I would say the easiest places to start for a beginner are to go to the browser-based wallet at and follow the steps there to create and fund your account (either through OpenLedger at the "Deposit/Withdraw" tab or through an exchange such as blocktrades). BTS really is an excellent project all-around!


  1. buy bitcoins
  2. trade them on poloniex

Poloniex may one day disappear with your funds. BitShares internal exchange can not.
That is big difference for me.

  2. download client (or use openledger wallet)
  3. backup wallet
  4. fund with Steem or bitcoin using the openledger gateway
  5. decentralized exchange to buy BTS

Great Post I think I'll buy some!

Great article - Bitshares are definiately the investment to be getting into.

Just bought some BTS.
Too the moon and maybe beyond.

Awesome, things are looking very positive for bitshares in the near future! Thanks for highlighting this!

Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. But if it were, it'd be damn good.

Looks like investment advice to me.

How is Bitshares differentiated from something general-purpose like Ethereum?

Yea, I added that disclaimer since it seems like you always hear that when you're receiving investment advice lol. Think I'm covered since I'm not in the business of giving advice...heh.

But basically BitShares is a more polished version of Ethereum, but with a focus on the decentralized exchange and assets you can hold that are pegged to their value in the real world (such as BitUSD, BitGold, etc). (To my knowledge) any developer can't just plug into BTS though like they can Ethereum; there's a bit more work involved. But anyone can issue their own user-issued assets (UIAs) on BitShares that can be traded on the DEX and used to power their blockchain applications.

Bitshares does not have the scripting language for contracts, though.

Bitshares is a proper DAO unto itself. Bitshares could hard-fork into an Ethereum clone, with shareholder approval. Ethereum can't do the inverse. Ethereum is general-purpose whereas Bitshares, in its present incarnation is lean, but infinitely flexible.

I'm almost embarrassed, I though Steem ran on ether!
Thanks for the info! I'll definitely be buying some BTS.

Great post! I'm new to all this. My friend open my eyes to steemit and you just opened my eyes further! Thank you!

also look after nexus niro do some great research and u will find something cool there

@nomoreheroes7 So I just heeded your advice and bought over 20,000 BTS!! A sizable portion of my crypto. Am I millionaire yet??

Great post, I guess we have to move now so that we can maximise its full potential?
Thank you

I've admitted to my self and a colleague mine that I'm kicking myself since I didn't get more into investing into BitShares years ago when I first heard of it getting going. He feels the same way, however he's since started investing and is making decent ROI. Maybe not Millions or Billions, but more than the minute return on a standard saving account.
Great post!!

never heard of bts. sitting at 748 sat, do you expect ot to drop anymore before the 5th?

open your bags! is about time 8]

Any popular cryptocurrency you hold for an outstanding period of time is a great investment, you must be part of the bitshares team.

its not possible to become rich if we can do smart work to easily became rich person

I confess that i read something about this, did not take much attention'll have to investigate more. however I think it should not be so easy.

@dantheman had said he was moving on from bitshares. He seemed quite disenchanted with it in the video interview im currently scrambling to find. I used to own a million bitshares, ten million bitshares pts, lost tons of money on bitUSD because I assumed it was a stable place to store value pegged to the us dollar. It was fun. I learned a lot. Glad to be here.

bitUSD is still pegged to the dollar. Lately it's been hanging out at ~$1.10, but it should get closer to $1 as liquidity increases. It's a great way to keep money securely on the blockchain without volatility risk.

great post and some interesting points :)

Hmmm, I like to buy something worth at least 20k satoshi's. Also I see the supply of BTS is high, 2.5 B not million, would have to buy a huge quantity. Not good for speculation for sure i guess very long term could be like ripple... But then we have the idea that any coin and blockchain on BTS graphene tech will have their own economy, so most investors might not invest in the behind the scenes coin directly.

Enjoyable thread I was about to post a similair post. There's a lot of exchanges out there. I found that gives quite a decent overview. I found this amazing platform: This site is really helpful in my coin research. I don't know any other sites with so much indepth analysis. Check: To check Bitshares Analysis