In striking our blows for decentralization

Bitshares enthusiasts don't rely exclusively on the facts, impressive as those may be!

No, we were not above making use of a little bit of eye candy to bring attention to our cause.


Er, sorry, wrong photos


Great job! Nice presentation for BitShares!
@onceuponatime, Did you organized it? I didn't see @stan there! Anyway the items in the wrong photography seems delicious! Nice to see you back!
The conference was organized by the University of Nicosia. The Bitshares participation t the event was organized by Alex M - clockwork. Stan is in the hospital in America recovering from a heart condition.
I am not "back". I never left :-)
The food looks nice so it must had been a great event!
"Food" is "doof" spelled backwards. And I didn't want to be a doof about it.
Did you at least remember to take the chocolates out of your pocket when you got home?
I didn't take them home. I set up a little table outside the venue and sold them to passing tourists (for bitUSD of course!)
That's one way to mine tokens.
Right in the thick of it and those wrong photos look lovely!
Are you saying that two wrongs made a right?
Every time!!
you should take 2-3 plates of chocolates back home :P
Are you the devil, tempting me?
hehe i can't share personal info :P
Beautiful photos. The show must have gone well.
Yes, no broken bones.
OK, that is cool @onceuponatime. Am looking to join the bitshare family when I have the funds.
Τhe chocolates look very delicious ... did you ate a lot? How many hours of fitness will be needed to lose all these weights that you will get ?? :P
Some things it is better not to know :-)
Hahaaaaaaa.... I think the trainer is better not to learn what you did there.... :P
Entire cryptocurrency maarket is in bad shape.So as bitshares.But i think it will be back soon.
A brilliant analysis! Thank you!
Those photos are really wrong indeed. Cause it's not fair to make me hungry!!!
Posted using Partiko Android
You should try to not be too vulnerable to my bad influence :-)
That's what I came over for, the eye candy.
The photos were the right ones the first time.
You're funny.
You came for the eye candy, but stayed for the rock candy!
Looks like a great event. Sad we couldn´t meet at Steemfest
Poland is cold this time of year :)
Oh yes we all like that kind of eye candy. Better than the normal marketing. Thanks my friend
Thank you.
Wow boss your wrong photo are very delicious and yummy. I love this . Thank you very much for sharing wrong photo
Yes my dear wrong photo is very delicious and yummy
Are you talking to yourself? LoL
Ha ha ha . Very big mistake by me. I replay mestarboom comment but mistakely reply my own comment
Nice pics , your are looking handsome in pics.
That banquet looks very good... where I find a similar one that already made me hungry :(
Gosh! All those chocolates! I haven’t tasted any good chocolates for months!! I would certainty join the event and eat tons of chocolates and then go to see the doctor!
Posted using Partiko iOS
I’ll be having a serious look at bitshares!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Nice pics from bitshare party .
Nice bitshare meeting . Nice photos .
You are looking very smart .
Bit shares not stopping at all doing its level best great to see the updates :)
So,how was it?\nSeems like a lot of people attended...\n\nPosted using Partiko Android