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RE: Planning the 2018 Global Reset

in #bitshares7 years ago

has nothing to do with economy but with culture and politics.

Look at the ex-soviet states. Those without muslims have a population that shrinks. Those with muslims have a population that grows. Central Europe : no muslims, poorer countries, population shrinks. West Europe : lots of muslims, rich countries, population explosion.

China : 1 child policy for a few decades : today : Worlds top-dog nr 1.


you seem to very much focus on Muslims being the problem here, the economy will have a huge influence. As economies get bigger, women will have carreers and less time for more than two kids. Education is generally better when economies are better so people make better decisions in terms how many kids they can support.

On the other hand one could argue that better economies increase childbirth. I read different things now.

By disregarding all those variables you seem to be painting a very shortsighted version of the truth.

I agree though that cultural differences/ politics are a huge factor as well.

But the more people we have on earth the more potential there is one person finds a solution for making uninhabited areas on earth inhabitable.
Making desert land fruitful, creating water out of dry air. Moving to Mars and colonize there.

We humans are very resourceful

you still have not explained the population explosion in West Europe, one of the richest regions of the world with the best education systems. You don't explain why Russia with it's broken economy has a population that shrinks.
You want to go live like in an ants nest in siberia or the sahara? Go for it!
I want to enjoy space and freedom to roam in unspoiled nature.