My personal favorite is BTS. With BitShares, you can take short positions, issue bonds, get your options (BitUSD, BitGold, BitSilver, BitOil etc.) and do whatever you should be able to do on the true cryptocurrency market/exchange. The recent rally within the crypto market has sure brought a number of altcoins, such as ether, ripple, and litecoin, in the limelight. Among so many altcoins, the one that is showing high-growth characteristics is BitShares. The main feature of this altcoin, which is known as BTS, is its stability that is lacked by many first-generation digital currencies including bitcoins. BitShares is way beyond a simple digital currency. Apart from being one of the most promising crypto coins, this one is even software, a decentralized network, and a distributed ledger certainly not like other available digital currencies such as DigiByte (DGB), Digital Cash (DASH), Dogecoin (DOGE). Well, that is a lot of stuff packed into one single cryptographic wonder.