HELP : Lost access to my Bitshares Openledger Account...

in #bitshares7 years ago

Greetings my lovely friends of Steemit!

I hope everyone is having a great start of the weekend! From my side, things started amazingly well until I logged in into my bitshares open ledger account some minutes earlier...

I have been using bitshares wallet for more than 8 months now and I never had any issues logging in until today!

Below is the link to my account :

While logging in earlier, I put my normal username : progressivechef69 and the usual password that I have been using for months now - I've never changed my password btw!

And said that my password is incorrect....

How can it be possible!!!???

Is there anything that changed but I am not aware of? Please do let me know and help so that I can get access to this so important account!

Apologies to all Steemit Iron Chef contestants

Below is the screenshot of my account on you can see I have some tokens stored there which are used as prizes for the Steemit iron chef contest...The skill coins and trophy tokens!

Since I can't access my is impossible for me to send the winnings to the different recent winners of the contest!

I am really very sorry guys, hope you understand my situation!

2018-04-15 01_03_33-OpenLedger - Decentralized Asset Exchange.png

Help please!!!

As my wife has an account also on bitshares open ledger , I viewed my account to see if any assets have been moved or not...

Well everything is still sitting there...meaning that my account has not been hacked which is great news for sure!

Can anyone help me out please...I know when we lose our password it is impossible to get our account back...but here I did not lose any password...maybe it is a system error or something else!

I really need to have this access to this account as it plays a very important role in Steemit Iron Chef contest!

If any of the sponsors are reading this, please transfer your sponsorship to my wife's account for the time being until I hopefully get my account back!
Here is her address on bitshares open ledger :


I have sent some messages to some friends who are well versed on open ledger and waiting for the help to come my way!

I really hopes everything gets back to normal soon!

If you can help me out, please do leave a comment below, I will be so grateful friends!
Thank you


Did you open a simple text editor, typed your password in there and verified that it looks like typed? Just an experienced I.T. man, first questions first, watch keyboard driver, caps on/off, numlock on/off etc. Much love.

I am very sorry to read this, I can understand your frustration. I can not help you myself (I wouldn't know how) but I hope that there are people who can help you. I can only support you.
The very best @progressive chef and I hope it will be resolved soon.

Oh hello my friend! Thanks so much for such encouraging words! I am really feeling very frustrated right now, and I hope things get better soon.
Thanks again for you great support!
I hope all going great on your side, I'll catch up on your blog soon!

Switched to local wallet? You can restore your account with the brainkey.

May I ask you what is the brainkey? Thanks so much for your help my friend!

Brainkey is the private key of your BTS account. Try to restore the account from the backup bin file.

Hey I was going to ask about getting those skill coins as I hadn't set up an account t yet and was meaning too soon and if it was possible to get the back dates winnings. It's OK tho don't worry about it, could just be a technical glitch. I hope it gets restored soon. Enjoy your weekend and come back to it later.

I know I had trouble once when I was switching devices using the bitshares wallet.

You're bitshares wallet is device specific, which is why you should always back it up.

You can restore your wallet from a back-up using the following instructions at

Also, you could consider reaching out to openledger support directly. I've had good luck with them, but sometimes it takes some time.

Hope this helps!

Have you tried again recently? They had closed down some parts of their system recently, in preparation for the EOS airdrop (which I missed out on). The exchange wasn't even accessible to look at yesterday. But now it all seems to be working ok. I hope you can get access to your account there. It's good that you can see it is still there!

Exactly the same thing happened to me. Braikey is only given if you make a wallet model. Account modekl has none. The only thing you can save is the oener key that you can access your account with.

The openledger support was quite unhelpful when I asked for help. A little rude, too.

The discord community was of much greater help even though we could not recover my account. My password just stopped working.

There is hope tht you have a little different problem. Either way, I would suggest for your wife to go in the settings and save her owner key in a safe place. That way, if something goes wrong with her account she can recover the funds in it!

Best of luck!

Very sorry to hear about this @progressivechef! I hope it gets resolved and you can regain access soon