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RE: Update for bitshares exchange market activity monitor

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

I faced the same problem. AFAIK, there are no solution yet.

You are talking about Bitshares Account History Exporter. It does not work anymore, but when it worked, it was giving JSON instead of CSV format.

I found an issue from last year in Bitshares UI #68 and from that comment you can find out how to get your history in JSON format. Then you can convert your JSON to CSV.

I know it is not what you need, but this is the only solution I have found so far.


Thanks, I appreciate the reply and the suggestions. I will check the links you provided and give it a try this weekend.

Okay, so I reviewed the links, and I have to admit they did not help me at all. I might as well have been reading Chinese. I actually could not even tell which comments were supposed to help me. Sorry if I am coming off sounding dense. I would still really appreciate something more specific and/or a brief description of the steps in plain language (non technical). Thanks

All 3 links are useful - first, shows the working server where to get the info, second explains how to do it, third gives a hint that there are actually 3 more servers available. And yes - all this is too technical and not user friendly.

Bitshares post about - why they can not find somebody who could spend 8 hours to fix the Bitshares-UI #68 task for a year. And tell him why do you need it.I would suggest to ask @billbutler in his last