Thank you for excellent website and keeping it online without downtimes! 👍
I would appreciate if you could post your updates on Steemit as well. That way we could comment and inform about feature requests or bugs.
Some things to consider:
- users "Operation history" pagination shows 5000 pages, but last page does not work and going through the list you get only 10% of them working, then it shows no records
- in pagination rows per page offers 20 or 25, would be more useful to have 20 and 50
- URL pollution - currently language is taken from url
, would be nice to have it in cookie - in "Basic info" box links are still wrong
- Page title is the same for all pages (bad for SEO and usability), better to start with what the page title is then your brand name
USD/BTS - BTS区块链浏览器
Thanks a lot for your advice, we are working hard to mark the explorer much better, and no doubt that this needs you and us all : )
This is the best bitshares explorer for now! Thank you for making it.
It is my daily tool, that's why I'm so nasty about it. 😀
All suggestion have been adopted and updated except the first one . Operation history of each accout show at most 400 records now.
That was fast! Thank you. 🙏