
i honestly don't see the bitshares community discussing this 2 items at this time at least:

  • the fees is how the blockchain makes money to pay workers(development and advertising) and witnesses(block validators), the project will not survive without them.
  • with SMT i suppose you mean i honestly don't see how that can fit bitshares. whatever is the case i don't see the bitshares community even considering it at this time.

i do see however a logical interest on getting bitshares into EOS or something like that even if nobody know yet how it will be done. It is good to have this discussions and start thinking on a roadmap on how that it will work, by now, there is no clear consensus.

If wanted, Bitshares can adopt same metered model for transactions (maybe only some, transfer for example) used by Steem and EOS. Removing transaction fees would improve usability.
If Bitshares could issue SMTs, it could compete for the same market as Steem SMTs.
In my opinion Bitshares is already falling behind latest in blockchain tech after Steem came out and with EOS development, Bitshares must adopt better tech to stay relevant.
SMT is essentially a custom UIA and if Bitshares does not want to get passed as an option for ICOs it needs more flexibility and more custom UIA options.

Since Bitshares does not now have the built-in code to do smart contracts, and is threatened to be an obsolete block chain technology when EOS is rolled out, what about the Bitshares developers just focusing on making Bitshares a great DEX? What's wrong with this strategy?

"making Bitshares a great DEX" - meaning what?

My question was premature. Sorry! I may raise it again after I've done a fair bit of trading using Bitshares and have specific suggestions to make.