Here's the rest of the data dump we just got - placed here on the Steemit blockchain where it can't be deplatformed.
Not confirming or denying anything, just safeguarding it for the record.
Again, I haven't had time to review it all but I know stuff that needs to be preserved for historical purposes when I see it. The forces of Mordor may delete it where it currently resides on Telegram:
TL/DR: They have figured out whodunit and are naming names.
I don't expect you to read it here, it's just for safekeeping until someone turns it into a readable article or movie script. If you want to read it on Telegram where it's easier formatting and complete with links and pictures, go to:
Transcript (continued)
< Moved off-line to protect the innocent >
Angus McGlynn
This sounds like a script for a great movie
Some amazing stuffs up there
Sadly, I sold all my bitshares recently Were you able to visit Brazil like you mentioned from one of your blog posts? Pa @stan
Brazil is coming up in late September.
Stan, Michael and Quintric in Brazil
Sorry, the date skipped me
Hodling bitshares in Binance is very cool yeah?
Not your private key, not your coins.
You should download the client and move your coins to the local wallet.
Stan, you and I could have some healthy discussions in email (in private) if you're willing. Please email [email protected] so I can talk to you.
Hello my Brother in Christ greetings from venezuela.
Thanks for sharing.........../
Took out time to read it, made much sense. Seems I didn't deserve any accolades because git no bitshares
Sadly between the provocative headline about info on the blockchain ... and the lack of any info here in this article ...
Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.
stan please upvote my blog Nazakat777