Well Folks, Jared just had the worst possible thing. happen. He's been sent to a Medium Security Prison where ruthless gang members have a "Smash on Sight" order out on him - meaning he will likely be killed the first week he is there. This may have already happened since I haven't heard from him since earlier this week just before the bus whisked him off to his fate.
He sent me the following goodbye letter to all his friends and supporters and asked me to publish it. Live long and prosper Jared.
{Letter deleted per Jared's request - Yes he's still alive.}
Thousands of thanks for publishing this, @stan ! I confess I didn't know any of the "AriseBank" legal harassment steps, and it tastes a lot alike to John McAfee's persecution - with him consecutively being "suicided".
Is there already a Hive Community gathering all the cases of crypto-promoters and buidlers being attacked by the centralised "Justice" system?
If not, I'd suggest we create such a Community.
Here in El Salvador, I'd tend to think the success of our population BTC massive adoption will earn us a series of legal and much less legal strikes.
Well that sent me down a whole new rabbit hole! If this is as he tells it, then I would say bravo for your efforts. Sadly the house always wins but it’s a shame the price is so high when folk try to help others in such a way. Just shows that banks are one of the government most precious shackles.
It is very sad that corruption and malice have so deranged corporations, including governments, today. I hope Jared triumphs over his captors and personally is witness to their just recompense for the evil they have done him.
Most of all I hope his dream of decentralized and secure finance is realized and he is able to transact with free people as he will during a long, happy, and prosperous life. If you have not been notified he has passed away, do not cease to provide such aid, comfort, and prayer as may be helpful.
Savages that would do this to an innocent man would waste no time in bragging of his death.
What I've learned throughout the years is that you can't escape the "justice" system unless you have "A claim of the life" and know how to write in Quatum Grammar.
Sad to hear, but thanks for posting and spreading awareness.
He's not dead yet. Don't prisons have to publish obituaries and report deaths in custody on the public record?
I just prayed for you Jared. You will not die in there, stay strong my friend. See you next year!
This is so sad and truly scary!! He's in my prayers for Jesus to watch over him and keep him safe
He didn't die & is out of prison now.