Bitshares - State of the Network - 20th December 2017

in #bitshares7 years ago

Welcome to the 66th Bitshares State of the Network (BSotN) report. A weekly report focusing on the changes in the ecosystem and track longer term changes in a effort to identify emerging trends and changes in the Bitshares platform.

Bitshares - State of the Network - 20th December 2017

The Bitshares State of the Network Reports seeks to combine raw data from a wide range of metrics and combine them into meaningful information to identify emerging trends and changes in the Bitshares network.

Observation from this week

This section will highlight any observations made while analysing the data.

  • Massive week for Smartcoin market this week with huge increases to the circulating supply on a number of stablecoins. Overall Smartcoin markets have seen a 158% jump with a total USD value of 79 Million compared to 30 Million last week. BitCNY has seen an increase of 181% followed by Ruble with 144% and BitUSD with 113% growth W/W. All other smartcoin’s seen good growth and is best visualized in the ‘Smartcoin issuance chart’ below this section. An growing smartcoin ecosystem is an incredible good sign for the health of the Bitshares platform but this week has blown me away with its explosive move higher as Chinese exchanges look to serve citizens restricted by Chinas cryptocurrency/exchange laws which prevent the trade of fiat CNY to cryptocurrencies.

  • BigOne and KKCoin have both added BitCNY as a base pair against major markets this week. This is no doubt a trend that is being seen as Chinese exchanges look to server their customers with a stable base pair after the new Chinese regulations of Cryptocurrency exchanges. More information HERE

  • HEREA new version of the Bitshares reference wallet was release this week (v2.0.171219). This new release has focused on deposit and withdrawal functionality but due time constraints during testing it has not been included in this release. This release has seen the introduction of a ‘News’ section that will publish items posted and resteemed by the @bitshares.fdn steem account as well as hierarchical top menu structure rather than presenting the large "cards". Full details of the new release can be found

  • The Bitshares market cap has surpassed 1 Billion USD dollars this week and is tracking well toward 2 Billion. Currently sitting at 1.6 Billion USD.

  • This week has seen a 600%+ increase in trade volume across all pairs on traditional exchanges with 74% of trading volume coming from the BTC/BTS pair with a 24h value of 92 Million USD an increase of 694% from this time last week.

  • This week has seen an 11% increase in accounts holding BTS; that's 5625 new account (which have a positive BTS balance) in the last 7 days, this time frame has also shown 26105. This is all BTS being held in Bitshares wallets (not on Exchanges)

  • Bitshares featured on ZeroHedge article this week with new banking partnership with AriseBank. More info HERE

  • HERE@Stan Larimer has done an interview with the 'Bad Crypto Podcast'. Listen to the recording

  • The Bitshares foundation has released a report relating to the Bittrex discussions as well as other regulatory issues. Read the comprehensive report HERE

  • The Beyond Bitcoin Bitshares weekly hangouts have now moved to the Discord platform. You can join the Bitshares Discord HERE and also catch the latest hangouts streamed live on youtube HERE

  • Current registered wallets/accounts within the Bitshares network is 526654; an increase of 26105 wallets/accounts since last week

  • This week’s Bitshares hangout recording has been published and is available HERE

  • The last asset registered this week is asset #2638 and it is named ' IBATC’ registered by ‘ibatcoin1st' with the description ‘IBATC, known as IBATcoin, is a digital currency launched by the "international block chain asset trading platform" IBATcoin for incentives, voting, block chain investment, and so on.Registered in the international financial services center, the Republic of Seychelles in the Commonwealth, The members of the service are all over the world, and they will set up offices in various places.'.

Smartcoin issuance chart showing weekly change since the start of 2017

# of Accounts holding BTS (only have a few weeks of data so far)

New hierarchical top menu in the Bitshares reference wallet v2.0.171219

News section in the Bitshares reference wallet v2.0.171219

Bitshares Distribution

This sections seeks to analyse the current distribution of the network. We look at the current supply, top 100 hodlers, Orders on the Bitshares Decentralized Exchange (DEX), Reserve pool balance and Income growth.

DistributionBalanceChange W/WChange W/W %
BTS Supply2,605,639,586 1,054,397.000.04%
BTS Stealth287,465 -67.00-0.02%
BTS in Open Orders (DEX - T250)3862293.83 -2,143,578.00-35.69%
Reserve Pool994,936,172 -1,054,396.00-0.11%
RP Accumulated fees37,401 -22,326.00-37.38%
Collateral (top 250) backing Smartcoins476901861 -5,230,157.00-1.08%
Top 100 Total1,110,849,665 6,355,534.000.58%
Top 100 - minus Exchanges458,112,844 12,800,526.002.87%
Exchanges652,736,821 -6,444,992.00-0.98%
Non Exchanges1,952,902,765 7,499,389.000.39%

Profit/Expenses from the Bitshares Reserve Pool

The chart below show historic profit/expense from the Bitshares Reserve Pool where a positive number represents a W/W profit and a negative number means a W/W expense; Bitshares expenses include witness and worker pay and income includes network fees.

BTS Trading

Looking at the most active trading pairs for Bitshares (BTS). Data displayed is a 24 hour snapshot as taken on the date of this report and not a reflection on the week as a whole.

MarketLast PricePrice USD24hr Vol BTS24hr Vol USDVol %Vol % Change W/W

Worker Proposals

This section will identify the current approved and pending worker proposals

Active Worker:

Proposed Worker

DEX: Most Active Markets

This section will show the BTS markets within the DEX and seek to highlight the most active markets.

The most active base pair is BTS and the top 3 pairs are CNY, USD and Open.BTC


This sections seeks to analyse the current supply and market capitalisation of the Bitshares Smartcoins.

AssetSupplyPriceMarket Cap BTSMarket Cap USDSupply Change W/W
BTS2,605,639,5860.6502,605,639,586$1,693,403,629.61 0.040%
BTS Stealth287,4650.650287,465$186,823.33 -0.023%
Reserve Pool994,936,1720.650994,936,172$646,608,431.17 -0.106%
Accumulated fees37,4010.65037,401$24,306.89 -37.380%
BitUSD22,138,5641.59835,377,425$22,138,564.00 113.894%
BitCNY347,467,0230.243484,573,473$54,964,250.46 181.126%
BitEUR115,3321.904219,592$142,712.79 17.466%
BitBTC44.627,1371,210,310$786,579.88 -3.879%
BitGold93.32,028189,212$122,969.03 12.681%
BitSilver18,70925.84483,441$314,187.73 60.716%
Ruble11,854,4860.0268317,700$206,473.19 144.972%
HERO2,659256680,704$442,389.13 59.796%

Referral Stats

This section will track user referrals, to gauge active refers overtime. The chart below shows in blue the total number of referred users and in orange the new referrals for this week.

AccountReferralsChange W/W

Vote Proxies

This section will track the change in proxy voting

AccountOpinionsFollowersWeight (M)Weight Change (M)
xeroc39219250.3 15.7
bitcrab6875241.9 7.9
openledger366021161.6 59.7
still23218110.3 13.3
bitshareseurope042340 25
fav2514632 -10.3
baozi306628.9 -15
blckchnd2789625 0.3
laomao35418.2 -2.7
abit4745517.9 2.3

Committee Members

This section will track shareholder approval of committee members

AccountVotes (M)Votes Change (M)
bitcrab989.7 95.9
abit972.8 113.5
witness.still905.8 97.4
xeroc854.1 88.8
bhuz796.9 96.8
clayop776.3 100.3
bunkerchainlabs-com686.5 5.5
openledgerdc658.6 84.2
fav503.1 76.9
ebit488.2 15.4
chris4210483.5 11.7

Active Witnesses

This section will track top 25 active witnesses and the changes in support

RankWitnessVotesMissedMissed W/W
1in.abit 1.6.35 10117101
2openledger-dc 1.6.76 973.2612
3witness.yao 1.6.71 936.335571
4witness.still 1.6.69 924.491892
5 xn-delegate 1.6.59 909.928213
6 bhuz 1.6.17 892.515761
7roelandp 1.6.74 860.8301
8blckchnd 1.6.75 856.4918
9sahkan-bitshares 1.6.73 839.38962
10delegate-1.lafona 1.6.28 806.943967
11 abc123 1.6.65 715.71274
12 crazybit 1.6.84 695.24561
13 rnglab 1.6.45 672.520774
14 delegate.freedom 1.6.63 639.44861
15 verbaltech2 1.6.34 635.6384716
16 xeldal 1.6.22 633.322541
17 wackou 1.6.18 626.818535
18 fox 1.6.16 598.936091
19 xman 1.6.64 524.116421
20 roadscape 1.6.13 504.31465
21 billbutler-witness 1.6.92 487.877
22 delegate.ihashfury 1.6.26 430869
23 elmato 1.6.20 397.64269
24 mr.agsexplorer 1.6.24 369.17604116
25 cyrano 1.6.21 340.13539

Top 100 Distribution including Exchanges

This section looks at the top 100 rich list and compares account balances, this section will seek to identify changes in ownership which may lead to interesting investigations and early warning signs of upcoming projects

RankAccountBalance(inc orders)OrdersChange W/WChange W/W %
2binance-cold-194,120,776030,111,888.00 47.04%
3poloniexwallet90,453,3770-45,612,055.00 -33.52%
4bitcc-bts-cold68,042,3440-9,000,002.00 -11.68%
5zbbts49,363,17005,075,813.00 11.46%
6bittrex-deposit36,641,3730-10,185,947.00 -21.75%
7binance-bts-133,434,209025,884,898.00 342.88%
8delta-lion27,658,076027,658,067.39 321231909.29%
9yun-bts18,087,4860-2,719,587.00 -13.07%
13a2dcdf323a8a576408f62604b17a8a5212,438,7140-5,292,954.00 -29.85%
16anonymous10,478,12052508,551,974.00 443.99%
18binance-bitshares-gvbdb84k6h9,475,56104,741,762.00 100.17%
19coinegg-main9,321,8340113,460.00 1.23%
22cievia-waugaman7,990,21401.00 0.00%
27onceuponatime7,253,082520002,254,134.00 45.09%
28virtual-ventures6,831,4230-2,486,655.00 -26.69%
33stat-dude6,081,6781113832,768,886.00 83.58%
34zbsend5,805,7210305,568.00 5.56%
46yoyow.team5,000,0490-579,000.00 -10.38%
47tsuratsura-35575,000,0010-667,771.00 -11.78%
48bitcoinindonesia4,836,1540-1,684,649.00 -25.83%
52bts-morning4,344,548010,453.00 0.24%
53ranchorelaxo20174,223,27303,223,273.00 322.33%
55gamma-rabbit4,000,08104,000,000.20 4950495.30%
57oh-bts4,000,0000-1.00 0.00%
59slim3,943,6540-2,900.00 -0.07%
61livecoin-net3,869,8820113,494.00 3.02%
64ld6364333,500,0000-1,894,229.00 -35.12%
74jackkang2,982,9380-500,000.00 -14.36%
76exx-btssend2,873,80501,873,805.00 187.38%
79tong-xin2,772,166600002,772,001.00 1680000.61%
80bunkerchainlabs-com2,764,63001,259,748.00 83.71%
81abc.btsbots2,750,03725000-3,325,003.00 -54.73%
84bitspark-deposit2,657,06819729-749,368.00 -22.00%
93asdbii-bts2,276,99901,276,999.00 127.70%
94poloniex2,246,39506,510.00 0.29%

Thanks for viewing :)

I value your feedback.
Is there something more you would like me to track in these reports? or do you have some information for the next BSoTN report? please let me know in the comments, on, in the 'BitsharesDEX' Telegram group or every Friday in the the BeyondBitcoin Hangouts.

I hope you enjoyed this report! :)

New to Bitshares? Need an Account?

Please support my efforts by using the banner below to create your account.

Best part is at anytime in the future If you decide to buy an LTM (Lifetime membership - which gives you an 80% reduction in fees and other premium features) i will rebate 10% of your membership costs in BTS.

  • Just use the banner above to create your account
  • Enroll as a Life Time Member
  • Leave your username in the comments on the latest BSotN report or join us on BitsharesDEX telegram chat.
There are 3 pages

Excellent news! Thanks for the update.

Finally I bought some bitshares today for long term. I have researched about it and found it very good to hold long term. So here I am a proud bitshares holder.

Not a bad thing to do !!!
Will pay off :)

I’m sure most of you on here know this but just wanted to share.
With all the theories going on with insider trading with Coinbase, exchanges pumping prices, and future government regulations, it’s just a matter of time before people start losing trust and faith in the centralized exchanges (especially if these theories are true).
With BitShares DEX, since the whole exchange is decentralized, these problems are eliminated.
There are a lot of other benefits to BitShares that you can research on the BitShares subreddit, but I see this being the future of the crypto market that could actually be adopted by large banks and used in the future.
With only a $1.6B market cap and the price around $0.60, don’t miss out because I predict this coin going over $100B+ market cap someday putting it at about $60+ a coin. A $1000 investment would be $100,000 if it reached that high.
I’ve read that with the growth of the crypto market, some analysts predict it going as high as $800B market cap putting the price at $300+

wow... I wish these predictions are true... that would be awesome. Thanks a lot of sharing :)

@luisneira, I'm wondering if regulation will actually help the crypto market. There are large institutional investors sitting on the sideline due to concerns of how the implications of managing their clients' money within the crypto realm may affect their standing with current government regulators. In Japan, when the government gave its approval of the crypto market, there was a substantial uptick in volume. If the U.S. and other Western States provided guidelines, don't you think we would then see a gigantic injection of funds into the market?

thanks for the heads up, first day on here

How long will that take ?

I'm very bullish on BitShares.

Thanks for the chats and laughs, and support this year @kus-knee

I share these BTS updates every week on twitter and paste that backlink here usually.

Hi techwar,

I'm new to Bitshares and would much appreciate if you could reflect on the below:

  1. Could you explain why one should buy Bitshares instead of Waves? (or would it perhaps be recommendable to hold both?) What are Bitshares' strengths and what are its relative weaknesses?

  2. If Arisebank is a scam indeed, how can it be rhymed with Bitshares being a solid investment?Would you mind sharing your thoughts on this post here?;

Any and all thoughts are appreciated..
Many thanks :-)

I don't get the price table of bitUSD being 1.598 what? $ i.e. USD? Because BTS is 0.65 which is USD or BitUSD? I'm assuming USD when bitUSD is 1.598.

Other than this tiny thing, great report! Love it, very positive, even when the markets are down at this moment!

Hi Nutela,

1.59 was the price feed at the time of writing. I.e 1.59 BTS == 1 BitUSD

Thanks for the love and support :)


Episode 1

In the absolute tranquility of the glorious evening, Nelly basked as she reclined on the sunbathing couch at the most anterior aspect of her Dad's Single-Storey mansion. The couch lay few foots away from the main car park. Dad had bought that couch two years earlier when he flew into Nigeria from one of his mega business tours.

Nelly didn't understand why a sunbathing couch was purchased when there was no swimming pool in the compound. She well knew this pneuma of beauty as what usually sat next to the elegant waves of a swimming pool in just fractions less than one hundred percent of the time . Was Dad planning to demolish the main carpack and convert it to a swimming pool? It was something no one could really tell.

Nelly's Dad, Eng. Odeh was popularly known as the most impulsive man ever liveth. He bagged the title with no good second after he woke up one morning and decided that his residential building had no business being a three- Storey. Without seeking anybody's opinion, he had immediately placed a call to his personal contractor. The building became a single storey the next week. Nelly therefore, woudn't be surprised if Dad decided to pull down three-quarter of the building and build two swimming pools and a stripper club in its place.

As the virgin evening breeze was insuflating life into her moist nostrils, the backlight of her Samsung Mobile suddenly beamed in its absolute radiance, closely followed by a ringtone. It was the sound of one of the latest releases by her favourite artiste of all times, Drake. Nelly sluggishly reached out to it, looked at the name displaced on the screen against a green backround and scoffed.

It was David again. Couldn't this boy just give up already? She had tried with every atom of her being to give him different intensities of red light just incase he was blind to some shades of red but he had feigned absolute blindness to her bold "I'm not interested" plea.

She violently shoved the white sleek device aside and hastily reached out to her glass of juice which seductively sat on a brown side stool placed quite close to her. She took a slow sustained sip as she closed her eyes and allowed the chill liquid substance to breath life and existence into her weary soul.

Pim! Pim!! A car horn came on and woke her from her transient paradise.

"Adamu!!!!!" She angrily yelled repeatedly but the gate man was nowhere to be found. She sluggishly stood up and zealously wiped her voluptuous behind twice as she throdded along to jolt open the giant modern Aluminium gate for Dad.........
Follow and upvote me to continue reading

Yes I did

thank you for the return :) First day on @robertmannino

Thank you for the information, upvote and follow.
Thank you

I bought a brunch of BTS not to long ago. I'm very glad I did just that!

Let's give it up for SmartCoin.

Decentralized exchanges like BitShares DEX are the future, the time has come for the world to start paying more attention to them.

This is a very great report BTW

click here.Congratulations @steempower, this post is the most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 46 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $3731.30. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,

If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.

I sold my BTS at $0.08 :( :( :(

buy back , it's not too late .

amazing indeed

I also read a lot of stuff about different coins.
Meanwhile I find it difficult to stay informed about all the new upcoming projects.
Bitshares really got my attention and I have the feeling that it may be one of the real winners long-term.

So, maybe new ATH at BTS soon? What do you think.

Eristica. if you love STEEMIT you'll surely love how Eristaca works.Thanks to @stan for working so hard to make Bitshares platform much better. Be sure to check their latest ICO

its really great work ;)

I think 2018 will be a big year fot bitshares!

Great Post. Thanks a lot for sharing this insightful update on bitshares. Some great information that I didn't know before. Thanks a lot.

good post

Awesome and very informative.

oh my gut

best of the best

Nice report sharing its very helpful :)

What a wonderful post is this! With an awesome information and not only that very educative. You have open my eye to see beyond the little knowledge I have about bitshare.I very glad to have come across your post and tap from your wisdom. Without wasting time I will click the in order to register and have wallet .thanks once again for introducing me into bitshare ,I appreciate ,God will rewards in abundantly in Jesus name.Amen!

very good news & helpful information.
thanks for sharing @steempower

I find BTS to be very good

What is BTC ? please give me answer.

BTC is the ticker symbol for Bitcoin. Often represented by following BTC with the value of associated currency, i.e. BTCUSD (Bitcoin value in U.S. Dollars) or BTCEUR (Bitcoin value in Euro). My question is what is BTS?

The bit shares are running across the world and the currencies are flucating

A true democratization of value. Today my 10 year daughter was trying to tell me why paper money is so valuable. I tried to explain to her the trust that we have in one another is important. Crypto creates that trust without any guns!

very good article. in-depth-Information. instant-follow!

wow a good analysis..actually only after reading this i learnt certain things..thanks for sharing this knowledge with us..appreciate your hard work :)

thats really a needed news..

above all thats a great post..

keep it up..

Thank you @steempower

Wow that's great information and great analysis of bitshare.very good job
Thanks for sharing

Your info is Awesome looking forward to learning more from you.First day here at @robertmannino

Thank you for sharing this amazing summary report! You made the day!@steempower,


Good information is Priceless !!!

Very helpful report . Thank you for sharing this amazing information.

This information is excellent to hear hear and know. I am just getting deep into this movement. I first came across crypto when friends of mine were mining Bitcoin back when it was $44 USD. Blockchain will be needed more as the United States moves toward monopoly businesses and appealing "Net Neutrality"!

great topic and good information @ steempower
,Thanks for good analyzing information sharing.
i like your post and following.

why is it not an asset of bittrex anymore. i have my 3 bitshares stuck in there and can't trade them becoz they dont allow bitshare trading anymore.

Great report! I'm still looking for a way to implement usage of smart coins. What can they be used for? Where does the value come from?

@brianlewis, I love this question. Short answer: Trust. When I go to the bank and given them my money, I have faith they are going to give me my money back when I want it. There is no guarantee they will...but the current system has established that I can trust the bank. However, with crypto, if I deposit value into crypto currency, I can trust that I will get back what I put in, because the system is obligated to distribute the value. What I want to know, is how do we stabilize the system?

Thank you for the explanation and great information. You are helping the community to GROW !!

One day nobody will give up. increasingly popular:)

Information, you should be appreciated for this hard work.

Thanks mate @steempower to share this much informative post. It may take lot of hard work for ya....

Any advice on altcoins?? :)

Nice detailed report compilation you put up there. I enjoyed the report, keep up the good work.

"Massive week" for crypto ! ! (-:

There are 3 pages