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RE: Vesting Bitshares in Short Supply - Social Contract Near Completion - The History and The End Of An Era

in #bitshares8 years ago

Agree the volume is no where near POLO, but the feature set is very similar and the speed is amazing given it is all on a blockchain.
I use it at least a couple of times a week and i am always impressed.. You are right about people looking for other option these days off the back of some large scale hacks and shared loses like in the case of Bitfinex where the customers took a haircut to cover some costs.. I even had a few people talking to me about OMNI recently because of their DEX; they had been using it and were blown away when i showed the Bitshares DEX.. 10 minutes vs 3 seconds is like caulk and cheese; Omni and CP are not designed for real time trading.


The saddest thing to me is that dan and bitshares in general has received so much hate from so many in the bitcoin (and indeed crypto) community that many are scared away from even looking at it. People will never have to wonder why #beyondbitcoin decided to set up shop i the bts ecosystem...

But also a good reason why competitiin generally attempts to ignore its existence, or when questioned, ignore its legitimacy. Many say bitshares has had a marketing problem, i say it has had a misinformation problem.