Excerpt from the Bitshares State of the Network Report
Liquidity on the Bitshares DEX has had a notable this week with open orders increasing by 37.5% and BitCNY seeing a 21% increase in issuance this week
The BitShares Blockchain Foundation (@bitshares.fdn) has announced Bitshares has been listed on RightBTC.
Rudex this week has announced the launch of their ETH gateway and work on providing an ERC20 gateway in the future.
Spark (formally known as BitSpark) has spoken on how they are using cryptocurrencies (Bitshares) as the rails for disruption of major players like Western Union.
@Stan Larimer and Matt Demeter have featured on the Bubba Horowitz show talking about cryptocurrency Privacy, Decentralization, Tax implications, fee's and more.
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