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RE: 🔊BitShares Hangout #82 | 2018-08-04 | Sat @100PM UTC | OpenSource Agenda [Beyondbit Raffle Powered by SP!]

in #bitshares7 years ago
Trans-continental beer in under 3 seconds!

in under 3 seconds!A full recap of @farmerd in Canada buying beer for Guaon at Love Beer in Wei hai

"why does Bitshares fascinate me? and although I still don't exactly know, this gets closest to an answer.

"It's not that bitshares makes the world smaller with 3sec transactions, but I think it is more that bitshares shows us the world is smaller than we think and we are all much much closer than we think. At the risk of getting too philosophical, there are no borders in bitshares, the bitshares blockchain covers the world without prejudice.

"It's like buying a beer for a friend across the bar, or the world.
Thank you Bitshares, you continue to amaze me."