Crypto Update: Bitshares Bullish Trend Pattern

in #bitshares9 years ago (edited)

Bitshares is Up by 14% in the 24 hour price chart at Polo as of press time showing bullish flag pennant pattern.

Watch your charts traders



Seeing some dump action after it reached 20%, selling some of it just to be safe and wait for new trend reversal before buy in. will keep a close watch for you guys.

Talk about a buywall :

Its the usual market manipulators.
Probably also a lot of naked shorting going on, holding many coins down.
As long as theres nobody really unpacking it'll stay at that level.

i couldn't agree more

And I hope that if somebody really unpacks on BTS, they squeeze these shorts slowly, to become most expensive for them.

that's so bullish. Thinking of putting a stop limit buy on that wall. that would go parabolic should it reach that wall.


If its catching too much attention and trade volume is too active, with that enormous buy wall and with this chart history over the year, i think old time traders know what these means. @kingofchaos @substance @sijoittaja

Could you explain what this means? :)

if the coin went stable for a long time at the bottom with a little anouncement or hype could make its price shoot up. Income potential is high although potential risk is also high. Wait for an announcement and jump right in before you miss the train

Right now bts enjoys the steem it effect so it wont need much of an announcement.. its a matter of time before the whales give it a pump.

Seeing some action on bittrex too..

Probably someone just trying to score some cheap bts. What do you think @tjpezlo ?

possibly! its up by 20% now... Since steem boom been monitoring bts charts. they share something in common. the devs

Price is more behing in bitshares own exhange, I mean BTS: OPEN.BTC pair.
Last trade price was 0.00000954

i see. dont have a bts wallet. thanks for the info

Same here.

Nice to see it, I hope it runs up to some real value now