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RE: Are we heading towards a DAG (Decentralized Autonomous Government)?

in #bitshares9 years ago

Although this is one of my hopes with Blockchain technology, It also has me worried, if us the people gain power back(I live in Australia) what happens to all the weapons and nukes that are in the Governments hands, will the future be a Government controlled by the people through Blockchain technology in open transparency or will a Government be the thing of the past. If this is true will Governments around the world try regain control through martial law and cutting off internet. Will they try to create conflict before all this happens so they have an excuse to declare martial law. I see many positives with the outcome of blockchain but I also see corrupt Governments that aren't going to stand still and let their power be taken away without a fight.


You are 100% correct that can trigger back-lash. These horrible things have happened in the past and could happen again. But the alternative (doing nothing) is much worse. Here is one guide on how to pull this off (well they don't cover the blockchain though).