This post has been flagged because it creates FUD based on faulty information. In fact, development of stealth features continues as we speak.
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This post has been flagged because it creates FUD based on faulty information. In fact, development of stealth features continues as we speak.
Development continues only because I am paying the developers that Ken has working on it OUT OF MY OWN POCKET.
Nowhere in the post do I imply or directly state that development has stalled.
Merely that the whole community has been pretty much in the dark about what's happening since the news/drama surfaced weeks ago.
very important matterI've been around #bitshares for awhile. Perhaps you don't know me so well. I don't FUD, all I want is for this to move forward, so that we can all keep pushing #bitshares forward.
You don't imply it? Actually, you state very explicitly right at the top that privacy features are "the big casualty" of the disagreement between Ken and Chris. Your intention may not be to FUD Bitshares, but that is exactly what you are doing.
I want it resolved too. But what does this have to do with stealth? Again, Ken's work on stealth continues. Granted, it should NOT be necessary for @onceuponatime to provide alternative funding (which I am thankful for). But that is another matter entirely!
I believe that it is obvious from both the surrounding context of the wording and the general tone of the text (in your opinion, FUD, in my opinion, attempting to galvanize the community and the main protagonists of this episode into finding a solution by reminding everyone of the greater good in doing so) that what you claim is not the case.
Likewise, I find it in extremely poor taste that you use your extreme weight on this platform to downvote this post to oblivion, but self-evidently you see the motivation behind this action differently.
Just remember this: we're both invested in BTS and we both want it to succeed.
As for the rest - let's just agree to disagree.
Where would BTS be without people like onceuponatime. The guy has stepped up again and again for the project. Thank you good sir!
< appropriate gif that celebrates onceuponatime.gif >
I spent a long night
Not too long ago.
I was sittin' around
With the mafio.
They were trying to steal control of the Vision!
Well, I said: patahhh!
You can try if you want to.
But power comes from within.
They thought they can escape "elegantly"
Children these days! Sheeesh! No respect.