Useful web pages links collection for BitShsres Developers
BitShares has a lot of technical resources (github repositories, websites, forum, media, community etc) . Listing the resources links would help to get the information you want to see quicker and easier. Of course, we can 'bookmark' all links or back pages and go to another link.
These collection of links would help new website visitors to find out what resources and communities BitShares has. (I think BitShares has great support and communities to share.)
The list might help Developers to wonder or ask/search around particular topic. Or might help to point out a page where to check.
New resources pages contents images
References page Top - Contents
BirShares Github Repositories List
BitShares Github - each Repository Issues' top page. (Would it be useful if you can see particular issues as a list?)
BitShares - core - wiki Top contents
BitShares - core - wiki ALL contents
External Github Resources (Some of links had been shared on Telegram channel.)
I am going to research more useful information links for developers. So, that might reduce developer to wonder if BitShares already has some functions or issues. Also, where to fund those information.
I am sure I've missed useful information to add. Please let me know and share with us if you know helpful links.
my previous post
I am willing to hear any comments from you.
Thank you!
This is great. I like the quick search feature.
I hope this link will be prominent on the new website for people to find. Also, i wo der if bill could include a link to this in the new wallet gui??
Great job.
Hi @jabberw0cky, Thank you for your comment. If you know the link, I will add the link to the website.
Hey there @tsugimoto i do community translations for the spanish community as well. I would like to know if you would like your content to be translated by me ad honorem. If you do let me know so i can get working on it.
Hi, @chuckyfucky, Thank you for your offer. That sounds great. Let me ask fuzzy. :)
Sure thing! Let me know what he said
Hi, I've asked about your offer. :) I am waiting their answer.
Awesome! Let me know. Im sure it wont be a problem.