Will make a post soon about this loan that is currently in default. However will be meeting the person next month in person to work on a possible solution and they may pay it back then. Or will work on a solution to repay the loan in some other way.
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: koh
New sending account balance: 1309690
New receiving account balance: 19999
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: ee962c636a36f975e230c57b8ff13f6610d97b73
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: xtramedium
New sending account balance: 1329690
New receiving account balance: 80095
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: e912bd0982028f448a447baaf2d1216030345dff
Thanks for using POCKET! I am a confirmer bot for fun, view my source confirmer code here. Don't know what a POCKET Token is? Here is a link to the official announcement post.
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: jznsamuel
New sending account balance: 1369690
New receiving account balance: 90096
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: e579a6e4cf6aaaa21d403bb4bfa6cc38c1866337
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: jznsamuel
New sending account balance: 1369690
New receiving account balance: 90096
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: e579a6e4cf6aaaa21d403bb4bfa6cc38c1866337
Thanks for using POCKET! I am a confirmer bot for fun, view my source confirmer code here. Don't know what a POCKET Token is? Here is a link to the official announcement post.
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: jznsamuel
New sending account balance: 1369690
New receiving account balance: 90096
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: e579a6e4cf6aaaa21d403bb4bfa6cc38c1866337
Thanks for using POCKET! MasterPocket is running this confirmer code.
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: thereikiforest
New sending account balance: 1349690
New receiving account balance: 1049997
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 8cbc8d75629806a902ed836f6876b14c5aa37790
Thanks for using POCKET! MasterPocket is running this confirmer code.
So many different tokens! It's hard to keep track of them all. I have lots and lots of TrailCoins that have no tradeable value, lol! Ah well, I still have them! ; )
Where do I find the information on my 333.333 SBD loan?
Will make a post soon about this loan that is currently in default. However will be meeting the person next month in person to work on a possible solution and they may pay it back then. Or will work on a solution to repay the loan in some other way.
vote for PRIZE
(Exchangeable for many tokens)
Still love me some prize(s) ;-)
@virtualgrowth needs to come on the music and money show!
PRIZE for the win! haphazard-hstead
m0nui (zero as 0)
PRIZE baby!! rusta-coin <----
vote for STEEM (POWER)
bts: rusta-coinGreat post as always @virtrualgrowth !
Thank you :) <3
vote for HERO
jlcrypto -6
vote for P.O.C.K.E.T. tokens
Can't wait for some coinage!
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: koh
New sending account balance: 1309690
New receiving account balance: 19999
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: ee962c636a36f975e230c57b8ff13f6610d97b73
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: xtramedium
New sending account balance: 1329690
New receiving account balance: 80095
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: e912bd0982028f448a447baaf2d1216030345dff
Thanks for using POCKET! I am a confirmer bot for fun, view my source confirmer code here. Don't know what a POCKET Token is? Here is a link to the official announcement post.
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: jznsamuel
New sending account balance: 1369690
New receiving account balance: 90096
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: e579a6e4cf6aaaa21d403bb4bfa6cc38c1866337
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: jznsamuel
New sending account balance: 1369690
New receiving account balance: 90096
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: e579a6e4cf6aaaa21d403bb4bfa6cc38c1866337
Thanks for using POCKET! I am a confirmer bot for fun, view my source confirmer code here. Don't know what a POCKET Token is? Here is a link to the official announcement post.
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: jznsamuel
New sending account balance: 1369690
New receiving account balance: 90096
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: e579a6e4cf6aaaa21d403bb4bfa6cc38c1866337
Thanks for using POCKET! MasterPocket is running this confirmer code.
thank you :) <3
Successful Send of 20000
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: thereikiforest
New sending account balance: 1349690
New receiving account balance: 1049997
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 8cbc8d75629806a902ed836f6876b14c5aa37790
Thanks for using POCKET! MasterPocket is running this confirmer code.
Vote for Steem. Bitshares name: zero08087
Thank you.
So many different tokens! It's hard to keep track of them all. I have lots and lots of TrailCoins that have no tradeable value, lol! Ah well, I still have them! ; )
let's go BTS! : tgaff221