I'd like to RSVP to talk about some RuDEX news. Since the last time I participated as a speaker we've created 3 more gateways, most significant of which is our first non-graphene gateway for ETH. Other gateways were for Scorum, and Travelchain.
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Are the gateways the main update, or is there something else that i can get info from to create your presentation slide?
I think those would be the main update yes. I'll also be at Shanghai Graphene Dev conference, but as a part of another project (there will be some RuDEX swag, and I'll probably talk about what we're doing outside of the official talks).
We're also considering if we should put some effort into getting ERC-20 EOS up, or get the gateway after main net launch, as it is around 40 days to the freeze/launch date.
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