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RE: My 3 Favorite Charts

in #bitshares7 years ago


When i started trading it was in the year 2000, during the internet bubble, even though i was very young than, i remember how my mind set was during those days. Very similar to what most unexperienced crypto traders have now, thinking no matter what happens, eventually we will go up. If only life was that easy than everyone could become very rich. No wait, almost forgot, only the rich get richer, not the normal guy right? Or is the Blockchain something different this time and will it change the way of life as we have known it for thousands of years? Yeah maybe it will, Bitconnect almost gave us that, it almost worked out :), but BCH will certainly provide that, because BCH will become even bigger than BTC 1.35% 0.58% . Of course it will, because there are so many famous people who have big bags of BCH and are promoting it, than it just HAS to go up, because they never loose! No they don't, because the retail trader provides the liquidity (buy orders) at the highs for them to sell it to you. The BCH fairy tail maybe upsets me the most. I don't know anything about the fundamentals and i don't care, i am only telling what i see from an objective view. Price has been pumped several times, giving the impression that it's really limitless and in the mean time the ones who sold Bitcoin 1.35% 0.58%at the highs and filled their bags with BCH at the lows, are trying to convince the rest of the world that Crypto's will be the best thing ever but most important, BCH will be the king, so don't miss out! This BCH story is just to give an impression on how disgusting this market can be, so it's to show how unexperienced people see it, not what the facts really are.