API access point: A node that provides blockchain data for light wallets and web wallets. Providing API access points is to spend on servers, bandwidth, and labor. So please vote for the witnesses who provide good API access so that they become active witnesses. Your vote is for their encouragement and support! ! !
The following rankings are in random order and are ranked randomly. If you think that Bitcoin Wallet thinks about the card, you can add the following API access points to try to eliminate the problems of your own network, the time deviation of your computer is too large, and the peak period of special periods.
Voting tutorial: http://btsabc.org/article-397-1.html
见证人账号 所属组织或个人 服务器所在地点 API接入点地
abc123 比特帝国 香港 wss://bit.btsabc.org/ws
in.abit abit 美国 wss://api.bts.mobi/ws
xman HELLOBTS 北京 wss://ws.hellobts.com
crazybit crazybit 中国 wss://crazybit.online
winex.witness winex 新加坡 wss://ws.winex.pro
witness.still 梓岑 香港 wss://bitshares.cyberit.io
witness.yao yao 新加坡 wss://kimziv.com/ws
magicwallet.witness 鼓鼓 杭州 wss://bts.open.icowallet.net/ws
delegate.freedom 茄子 中国 wss://freedom.bts123.cc:15138
xn-delegate xn-delegate 新加坡 wss://api.btsgo.net/ws
witness.hiblockchain hiblockchain 北京 wss://api.bts.ai
delegate-zhaomu 招木 美国 wss://blockzms.xyz/w