is a popular crypto exchange for many altcoins and is also one of the few places where STEEM and Steem Dollars or SBD is being actively traded at the moment. By purchasing and transferring any of these two tokens to your wallet you are able to convert them to STEEM POWER and by doing this to further increasing your influence on the website as well as earning more for your actions.
STEEM is currently beeing traded at about 0.00367000 BTC
SBD or Steem Dollars is being traded lower at about 0.00126694 BTC
Do note that while Steem Dollars are cheaper the conversion from SBD to STEEM is not 1:1, but is more like 1:4, so essentially it is not cheaper to upgrade your STEEM POWER by purchasing them. Furthermore when you decide to transfer Steem Dollars to STEEM you will have to wait 1 week for the process to take place while STEEM can be immediately turned to STEEM POWER.
Once you purchase some STEEM or SBD from Bittrex you need to go to Wallets and click on the blue MINUS icon on the left side of your STEEM Balance.
You will see a window with 3 different fields – Memo, Registered Acct and Quantity. These you need to fill in with the required information in order to successfully transfer the STEEM coins to your account and wallet.
In the field Memo you need to paste the public Memo key, you can find it under your Profile page, Permissions. The MEMO public key should start with STM...
In the field Registered Acct you need to write your username (just the username you use to login)
In the field Quantity you need to type the amount of coins you want to send to your wallet
- As a final step just press the Withdraw button and shortly the STEEM should be available in your account, you can then use the Power Up function in the wallet to transfer STEEM to STEEM POWER should you wish to do so. Make sure you confirm the withdraw if you get confirmation email or if you use 2FA as a security measure.
You can also check: How to Transfer STEEM From Poloniex to
Thanks for the Information mate!
click here!This post received a 3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @cptphotographer! For more information,
A very good guide for the newbies to withdraw their steem dollars or steems. As experienced steemian, we must help newbies to develop.
Thank you for the helpful tutorial mate, cheers
Excellent. Was looking for this... Poloniex seems similar enough that it was very helpful. Cheers!
Thnx this helped a lot
Hi @cryptos, how do I move my Steem from my Steemit account to my Bittrex account?
Buy using the + symbol next to STEEM coin in your bittrex wallet, then you create an address which will look something like that 7bcdc1369c764d1487b
Then go back to steemit and transfer the amount you want to the address you generated on bittrex
A very helpful guide, as it helped me navigate the process.
this helps thanks for posting clear directions
This info helped me. Thank you.
Livecoinand the #howto #instruction of the amazing
Sell/trade STEEM on Livecoin is more efficient than Bittrex or Poloniex [Comparison and Howto] — Steemit
Thank you for explaining the process properly. Now I don't have to be worried about doing something wrong.
Thank you so much for this tutorial.
I have been trying to send steem from bittrex on the new platform that has a tag field and an address field .
With no joy
can you help
Awesome post very helpful!
thanks this post was useful.
Thank you for posting.
Can't understand why this has to be so difficult. A simple "transfer to wallet" or something on the wallet page will make us users a lot happier.
so i did exactly what you said and i went to go check my account and it says all my coins were tranfred to bittrex steemit account ...its weird because all my coins were in my wallet and its shows in my history transfred to bittrex
Please, be advised that you have leaked your master password to the public putting your account at risk. Someone has already used it. Your password was just changed to prevent further damage. Please use account recovery process to regain access. Be safe.
More info: You shall not (leak your) pass
Hacked/stolen account !cheetah ban
Okay, I have banned @savagem13.
Great post, glad I found it. Followed you, hope theres more!
quick question. When you say Registered Acct does that include or exclude the @ sign?
No. Do not include the @ sign. Also, use lowercase letters exactly like your user id appears in posts. e.g. Yours would say encapture
THIS! DO NOT INCLUDE THE "@" SIGN. Would have been helpful to have included that in the OP.
Awesome thanks!
Registered Acct is not login email, right?
its my" andrewleong ", right?
mine would be as dennyducet then?
steemit changed it now so the "From" address is already populated with your user name, so you no longer type in your own user name.
Bittrex updated their interface and made it super confusing now:
there are now only two fields: Tag and Address:
Address can not be less then 10 fields, and what a heck is Tag then?
Does this still work since Bittrex changed their interface? I no longer see a Memo or Registered Acct but instead when I click withdraw Steem on Bittreex I have quantity, tag, and address but that's all
Hi! bittrex has changed a bit. when withdrawing it asks for "memo to help route your deposit" and "recipient's wallet address". I'm new to steem and blockchains and i'm finding this a bit confusing..
Super useful and easy explanation. I was definitely scared of messing it up.
I'm glad I found this - thanks
Hola, conozco una empresa que ofrece señales de TRADING para ganar BTC con BITTREX 80 % de asertividad.
Thanks for helping out the newbies ♥
i did all that except the memo part... is my money lost or is it just going to take longer?
would like to know that too; I've made just a test withdrawal but still that's some money there ;)
You have to accept the transaction in your email. Bittrex sent you a confirmation email, you have to approve the transfer.
is there charges to transfer from bittrex to steemit account.
and steemit transfer back to bittrex account?
Awesome! thanks mate!
I know this is an old post, but thank you so much for writing it, I invested in some bitcoins last night and traded them for STEEM and had been trying to figure it out when I decided to search how to do it. You saved me from pulling my hair out in frustration. Thanks again.
Big UuUUuuuups!
when you bring your token to steemit, can you withdrawl them all at once (when you just store them here, and not power up?) in case you need the money? thanks for helping :)
Thanks! Great guide!
Scam alert!
Google redirects you to wrong site bltrex with "l" and people were hacked.
Thank you for this tutorial, very useful!
Really helpful, thanks!
thank you, your guide just helped me loads :)
@cryptos many thanks for this blog. I am just about to do my first transaction on bittrex in a while from now.
great tutorial @cryptos! i am following you now!
Quick question: if i am some steam power there, is it going down while voting?
thanks for the answer @cryptos.
Thanks a lot! Exactly what I look for.
This is from last year. It came up at the very top when I did a search. This post had helped me do just that from Bittrex. Thanks.
I can't upvote so I'll do the next best thing in addition to leaving a reply - follow.
very useful guide!! Cheers
Thanks for the great guide.
Ahhhhh 1year later and this post still helpfull
Thanks for explaning so clear @cryptos how to transfer from the bittrex exchange to steemit. Appreciated, @gold84
Justo la información que andaba buscando. Muy bien explicado.
Thank you, great guide how to transfer STEEM from exchanges to your account!