Blockchain Ethics biz plan

in #bizplan6 years ago

Book Sale Distribution Campaign
Jamil Hasan
Phone 917-239-7202
Email [email protected]

Blockchain Ethics: A Bridge to Abundance Distribution Plan
Blockchain Ethics: A Bridge to Abundance About the Book:
Unlike many other recent Blockchain books focused on describing and defining Blockchain technology from a technical or cryptocurrency perspective, this unique book takes a very different tack: its focus is on how mainstream and marginalized Americans can use blockchain technology and digital assets ethically to create an abundant life. This book explores what Blockchain technology is doing today and how it can be used to create a better tomorrow. The book daringly explores how blockchain technology can make a difference in improving America’s education system, cracking the Glass Ceiling, altering employment outlooks, and improving every person’s financial future. The author examines and explores the business and social impact that open sourced Blockchain technology promises us is possible. And, in turn, discusses how we Americans can take those possibilities to create our economy, country, and lives into bustling meccas of abundance for E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E.
The Campaign:
Support Main Street America understand and use blockchain technology to build businesses, improve their quality of life, and make a difference in the world.
Sell 1 million books through universities, bookstores, speaking, educational programs, and corporate trainings.
Jamil Hasan is a blockchain expert and has the opportunity to help people understand and apply the technology that will be the next version of the internet: blockchain.

Blockchain Ethics: A Bridge to Abundance Distribution Plan
The Financial Opportunity
Direct Book Sales:
Currently, the book sells at $18.72 on Amazon, with Kindle price at $0.99. Target price on both Barnes and Noble is $19.99, with royalties amounting to $7 per book. Through direct sales on Create Space, the cost per book is $3.50; with bulk distribution at $15 per book for amounts over 50 books. Targeting 65% sales to both chain and local bookstores and university bookstores over a 2-year period ($650,000 books * $11.50 = $7,475,000). Add another 350,000 books at net $7 = $2,450,000, the total opportunity is $9,925,000 on direct sales.
Conferences and Courses:
Many industry conferences are ticketed where the attendees and speakers pay to attend. However, events outside of the industry are ripe for opportunity. Executive education and student activities at universities make an excellent training ground for teaching and training. Being a speaker will yield, on average, $5,000 per engagement for an average engagement of 1.5 times per week, roughly $390,000 annualized. With the added opportunity for marketing deals and sponsors to spot promote their businesses, and projects, we estimate another $210,000 per year on endorsements. Total profitable annual cost over a 2-year period is $1.2 million.
Referrals for Blockchain Development:
We are advisors for Chain Ninja, a blockchain development company that has been building blockchains for 5 years. Thus far, we have referred a few companies to them, and as we are more and more recognized as blockchain leaders and educators through being in the public eye, referral business is expected to grow. Average cost of blockchain development is $500,000 with 10% referral rates. With a modest anticipation of 10 referrals over two years, the expected referral income is $500,000 with major potential upside.
Articles in Tier One Publications:
We currently have relationships with both Spotlight TV and Stankevicius MGM, top media placement companies. We have the relationships in place to craft articles in Entrepreneur and other Tier One publications. With an average expected rate of 4-6 articles per week at a profit rate of $1,000 per article, over a two year period we anticipate $500,000 revenue from writing.

Blockchain Ethics: A Bridge to Abundance Distribution Plan
The Expenses
Marketing and Travel:
Marketing expenses are the greatest expense. This year we have aligned our marketing revenue opportunities with our offerings. We have speaking photo engagements lined up at
Harvard University and at the NASDAQ opening bell. We are sponsoring the Trescon Global Blockchain Summit in Toronto, Canada in September. We have partnered with executive education providers. And we have global access to press releases. We also have large numbers of followers on Twitter and Instagram (CT_Crypto) and over 30,000 contacts from 105 countries on LinkedIn.
It’s estimated marketing expenses could range approximately 30% of revenue, providing gross margin of 70% EBITDA. There is however, very little overhead since we have a family office and only need to rent space when hosting meetings. Book costs are already covered in the net revenue amounts, so minimal cost of sales. Variable expenses may fluctuate, with higher than expected costs and the onset, which will be offset by higher speaking rates with more experiences and goodwill.
Working Capital:
To effectively monetize and operationalize the business practice we anticipate initial costs to be around $300,000, all encompassing, including book signing tours, speaking at meetings, marketing, meeting at conferences with people, and building the brand of Blockchain Ethics.

Blockchain Ethics: A Bridge to Abundance Distribution Plan
The Overall Opportunity is High!
As one can see, there is a product (a very well written book) in an area that sparks a ton of interest and where the current education level is low. The profit opportunities are present and as revenue is generated, ongoing marketing expenses will be covered.
Jamil Hasan, the author, is a 20-year veteran in Operations and Data Management in Fortune 100 companies, including 10 years at AIG. He has strong business acumen. He has forged relationships with leading companies in media and blockchain development.
And this is the only book discussing ethics, a very important aspect of any relatively new economy.
We seek capital in the amount of $300,000 to be paid back over a three-year period with applicable interest. If you would like more information, we would be happy to answer any questions you have.


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