Aidrop Bizshake, value 4$
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There is a potentially huge, mostly unexplored market for asset allocation optimization. There are many companies that focus on renting assets, but few with successful stories of P2P sharing (i.e. Airbnb, Uber). People are reluctant to lease to or rent from someone they don’t know, without the certainty of product quality or authenticity. BizShake aims to resolve this issue by utilising blockchain technology
As we've mentioned before we love the NEO ICO's and this is another which looks a great prospect.
Thanks for sharing, interesting airdrop!
After doing your own research, also finding good ICO projects can be profitable.
I want to share with you guys a new exciting project I have just discovered: RAWG.
Look at this article where the team explains:
“Why the games market needs RAWG”
The ICO will start in a short period and they are at the moment in pre-ICO phase. This is the site: It's a video game discovery platform that converts your skills into goods and services (the site is already working, with more than 57,000 games in the database).
Have a look and get some information while doing your own research :)
thank you numax for sharing the bounty of Rawg it's very interesting! ;-)