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RE: Thoughts On "Proper" Use of HIVE...

in #blaaagh3 years ago

Autovote is awesome, I agree too I should be incorporated into the more mainstream dapps UI

About reposting old art, such a grey area...I've done it myself and also got downvoted 🤷‍♂
I get the POV that it could be classified as abuse, if done too frequently...but as you said if another dapp focused on art appears I will likely repost my old art there, because it will be new on that dapp and I will want to show my best works there.


Abuse is such a vague term, it makes me think of a famous court case where a film had been labeled as hard core pornography and unlawfully banned and a Justice issued a ruling with a well known quote.

"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."

Just like you can look at something and just know it’s not porn, I look at a lot of posts labeled as “abuse” and just don’t see it! I see people using HIVE like they would any other social media and that’s to be encouraged.

When accounts are egregiously reposting, spammy, attempting to milk their follower’s votes, I believe it’s largely self correcting and results in being unfollowed, unvoted, muted in communities, and downvoted by individuals but I see no reason for involvement by an organization like Hivewatchers except when countering the types of automated spam campaigns posting & voting thousands of comments daily that we’ve seen in the past. I really appreciate their resources and mission then. I just feel like some of their definitions of abuse are far too loose and subjective and amount to a sort of “mission creep” akin to the military launching drone strikes on jaywalkers! 😆 I know I wouldn’t want to live in that country, and unfortunately we do see people not wanting to “live” in HIVE when they see these sorts of rules and responses.