How Black SEEDs change my Life

in #black8 years ago (edited)


How Black Seeds Change my Life

Nigella Sativa aka Black Cumin, Fennel Flower,Black Caraway,Kalonji,Nutmeg Flower and Roman-Coriander. 

Black Seeds taste like a combo of onions,black pepper and oregano. The taste is bitter and pungent. I get them from the 

Ethiopian Stores aka Mercato.  They look like black seeds for real you can't miss them. In fact Black Seeds have been known for centuries upon centuries.  This black black black seed was found in Ancient Egyptian sites and King Tut's Tomb.  My first contact Black seed was in Black Seed oil form, this was good i could tell but i was still quite young at the time and i didn't have any problems i could address it with. Now as a older man i see the benefits of using it as it takes care of mucus helps me breath better.  I am sure it helps  parasites too and virus prevention. After all Muhammad of the Koran said it good for everything except death.   So from everything from Anemia to Zinc loss, Black seed  can help a bald head,high blood pressure,hemorrhoids,hypertension,boost memory,infections,toothache etc.   You name it black seed is worth a try whole heartily you might find another thing it relief i've not stated.   My bones are still strong and i can do a split still, so i love my black seed so much! 

Black Seed my guess is has carbon and we need that carbon in our body too kind of like activated charcoal, black seeds remind me of activated charcoal not the taste though lol...

So if your looking for a relief try Black Seeds.

I am not a medical Doctor and i do not claim to be 

All medical knowledge is not just from AMA aka AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 

Know thyself too.
