Silhouettes on the Shade

in #blackandwhite4 years ago (edited)


Sun, sea, smiles, and silhouettes in South Africa, what a lovely combination! This photo was taken last year in a place called Camps Bay, a vibrant spot by the beach with lots of great restaurants, cafés and cocktail bars, all with beautiful views of the twelve apostle mountains, and a lovely white sandy beach!

#monomad contest by @monochromes!

The beach is directly behind us, but with the positioning of the sun where it was, I just had to snap a shot of our shadows with the marvellous mountains in front! :)

We had just hiked up the famous Lions Head Mountain on this day which peaks at 669 metres above sea level (not visible in this picture), and decided that we would sit by the beach with an ice cream - of course! and watch the beautiful sun set.

Something slightly 'off topic', but I am currently reading (well, on and off - I have a tendency to do that with books!) a book called Happy. It is by a man that I have been a great fan of for quite a long time and just love his work! Anyway, the other day I read something that stuck with me and it seems quite fitting for this 'silhouette post' haha! It is the ideas of the Athenian philosopher, Plato. It reads:

The Idea of beauty is part of a realm more real than the beautiful things we see every day.

He describes the things and qualities of our everyday world as if they were shadows cast on a brick wall of a cave. We look at the shadows and mistake them for real things, but we miss the fact that they are mere umbrageous shapes and silhouettes.

Plato believed it to be the job of philosophers to direct our attention towards the light and reveal the true objects creating the shadows.

So in a nutshell, as the saying goes "there's more than what meets the eye", and I have to say that I agree. This can be interpreted in many ways I suppose, positive and negative, but with regards to this particular post, it is meant to be seen in a positive light. A nice gentle reminder to society that the best way to know/understand something or someone is to look beyond its illusioned exterior, and invest in its interior, its REAL self.

Something else fitting for today's post, a song that I remember listening to from a 60's album that was one of my favourites as a child, and one that I knew ALL the words to EVERY song! Lol! I still have it somewhere! For those 'golden oldies' out there, Enjoy! ;)

Until next time...

Hakuna Matata!



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Yes, all very sketchy 🙄 Here's hoping for some updates soon soon.

Hope you were able to get your funds! And had a great festive season too