
You are welcome :) Everyone captures that way but the art comes from within ;) and I think you have it in you.
@janotn is teasing me already on most of the occasions and he wants you to tease me too? that's really superb of him :D I like that

your right art comes from within , some like modern art some like the classics , were are all different in taste in art , but that's good , makes the world more interesting x ha ha yes it is nice of @janton to tease you : )

Art comes from within and we are all different people having different taste and different mentality, this is why art is different or unique too.

It's nice of both you to be so nice to me, be it teasing or teaching me, I appreciate and admire both.

hey I don't teach you I think we learn from each other !! so your teaching me too x

That is just being nice now but even @janton knows who is the real teacher when it comes to photography and art :D

that's nice of you to say so : ) but we do learn from each other !

That's true, this is what friends are for :)

haha! see winchestergirl? I told you he would love being teased! lol. it's good for him and helps him practice his English so you are doing him a favor!

haha that's what friends are for, they tease or criticize you so that you could improve which is the best part :) English? I wonder when will it be as good as both you guys :D

never. lol. well it depends how much practice you get. Do you get to speak it with anyone there?

Not here, People do try to speak it to look more like western, like wherever you go if someone wants to look prominent they would start speaking English which I don't like, You should be speaking the language most people around can understand

oh ok, I understand. well so then the only place you have to practice writing it is on steemit?

We can say it but now as I will be a student soon I can practice writing there too :D or wherever I will get a chance to write