Activist Erica Garner died Saturday after a major heart attack. Garner was 27.

I am sorry to hear that. Although I do not lend support for the group 'black lives matter' I feel that the group is a lightning rod that provides a channel for misbehavior. I am not comfortable with the idea of a group being formed with the sole of speaking out about racial issues.

To me its like why I am uncomfortable with 'black history month' I think that it is odd to celebrate the life work of a man based on the color of his skin. 'lets design a whole month to celebrate people that stood against racial inequality and we will call it black history month' to me that is like inviting all your vegan friends to meet up at a bbq?

But I am sorry to hear that the person died.


So sad. Praying that she knew how much God loved her - no matter the color of her skin.

Yes, I hope that she had a relationship with JESUS CHRIST.