
Yeah! actually I bet there are not enough irreverent heretics and smartass outlaws fluttering over here, that you'll be willing to admit, who indeed can be called A True Black Sheep Blogger with all of the law.

Nonetheless, sometimes I believe that there aren't more blackest sheep bloggers around here than those who also looks a lil bit pinkish. };)

Yah. I am probably the pinkest around but I love my black sheep. It takes all sorts and a bunch of black crows might make a great Murder here. Maybe a little branding?

Oh, the response to this has been GREAT, I can stir the pot in all the right ways , the link to the community to subscribe is on here and am going to do a discord and dare I say... LIVE VIDEO SHOWS :) at times, cause I already have a show or two so why not add more ;)

The pinkest @zekepickleman?

Really? How comes? Do you also have the pink Hello Kitty embroidered on your chest, the pink hairlace on your long silver mane and all the pinkish paraphernalia wrapping your manly handsome body? :D

one of us, one of us, one of us

Your call, our stampede to spread the fun. };)

;) ohhh yes

Lol, I'm late to the party of dissent, again 😔

Appreciate the thought @zekepickleman I'm honoured to be remembered in this light 😁