Also believe it or not studies show that eating chocolate with at least 70% cacao can reduce blood pressure so I eat 2 squares of hu dark chocolate a day as it is made with coconut sugar which is better for my diabetes.
Indeed, I also enjoy a couple of squares of the 70% or higher cacao content chocolate occasionally, as my "not-quite-so-guilty pleasure". I am keen to learn about why you are not able to exercise. I too have diabetes-related cardiac issues, and thus cannot exercise as much I would like to, for weight loss. I have started investigating low-impact activity, such as using the Cubii elliptical exerciser, and now I am looking at getting into Disc Golf, in which the only strenuous exercise is the walking, and for that I have a mobility aid. I have a plethora of monitoring devices though, including my own blood pressure monitor, and a pulse oximeter, etc. I am starting to record my diabetes, cardiac, and mood data using the
Actifit app here on the social blockchain.
Hive Diabetes Peer Support (HDPS) Community. We are a new
HIVE Community and curation account created recently, and officially launched on 1-Apr-2022, here on the social blockchain and on
Discord. Our goal is to become a place to discuss your own or a loved one's experience of diabetes, for shared mutual peer support and encouragement.Your post has been curated by @frittro of the
I have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my central and peripheral nerve system, my heart issues are not diabetes related if you read this post you will understand more about what is going on in that regard - IU had covid at the beginning of the pandemic it gave me diabetes and super high blood pressure that is not easy to control - I am mobility impaired because of there autoimmune illness which gave me neuropathy- but i was working on moving again until I had a super bad reaction to one of my blood pressure meds - they can't put me on any others because they tried 2 and i reacted again. Because it resulted in a brain bleed they have to wait until i get an MRI to weigh the risks of other medication. Until then I am dead in the water although I am planing to see if i can get a sports wheelchair to use instead of my electric one on days where my hands work properly ...