Utility is the backbone of tokenomics, without a good usecase a token is just a meme. So far BzB has mostly been held for voting rights to help determine our path forward, for staking, for speculative reasons, and access to a discord channel for holders of over 100 BzB! Blazar Force as a DAO wants to build value for our members so we are happy to announce that BzB will be the exclusive cryptocurrency accepted for our Merch! This will be handled manually so allow a short duration for processing, if demand grows we will make sure to as well. But for now this is how it will be handled.
- Contact myself or a mod in our discord/ DM me on twitter works fine too! Provide a valid email. This step is important so please don't forget, or it could relate in longer wait time.
- Send the desire $ amount of BzB you would like to spend at the store to this address on the Polygon Network! 0x72c5eA0e122636AE0c721B754AC17E5a5eac4AF9 (This is the only address to send to if anyone says otherwise do not listen!)
3.Receive a gift card via your email for our merch store and purchase using its code.
Remember all Shipping and fees are already included in the prices!