Driving Blind in the Fog

in #blind7 years ago

Many years ago while traveling home on the highway we found ourselves driving in a fog thicker than a blizzard. Visibility was a few feet. All we could do was follow the glimmer of tail lights in front of us. The truck in front of us did the same. We traveled as a convoy depending on the guy in front...a1drjohnthumb.JPG

Perhaps you might have seen news reports of scenes like this when the guy in front crashes and dozens or hundreds of cars crash in rapid succession.

Ice, snow, heavy, and heavy rain can cause massive pile-ups.

Risk exists when speed depends on following the guy in front.

Today, the financial and banking systems consist of thousands (perhaps millions) of companies who are following the guy in front. Banks and countries that are to big to fail are driving in the fog.

Protect yourself with real assets not held by these fast moving companies.

Here is today’s beauty.



@doctorjohn fog problems basically comes in winters and we should always drive very cautiously. by the way lovely blog

Do not think the money you have in the bank is yours it is not. Take some out and buy silver and gold and keep it out of the banking system. Also do not drive to close to someone in front for any reason. You need space to stop.

The central idea of this post is very important to me. It really goes beyond fog. Thanks for this @doctorjohn

Fog creat many problems in our life when we take a risk in a driving.